A virtual box script containing Tensorflow-CPU, hadoop docker, python27, numpy and other machine leanring tools.
- Install virtual box.
- Install vargant
- Go to directory with Vagrantfile.
- Type
$ vagrant up
- Go and grabe a coffee, wait for a while.
- Type
$ vagrant halt
and$ vagrant up
$ cd /docker_files/docker-ambari
- switch to bash
$ bash
- Activate docker functions
$ source ambari-functions
- Type
$ amb-settings
to make sure amb functions are working. - Start 3 clusters
$ amb-start-cluster 3
- Go to ambari shell
$ amb-shell
- type
host list
to make sure clusters are up. - add blueprint
blueprint add --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sequenceiq/ambari-rest-client/2.2.11/src/main/resources/blueprints/multi-node-hdfs-yarn
cluster autoAssign
cluster create
$ source activate tensorflow
$ python
> import tensorflow as tf
$ vagrant up
Setup virtual machine.$ vagrant halt
Shut down virtual machine.$ vagrant provision
Execute bootstrap.sh for debugging.
MIT License