- Maven 3
- Configuration of the JBoss Maven repository in settings.xml
Immutant depends on polyglot: https://github.com/projectodd/jboss-polyglot
Polyglot is published as a snapshot, so you may need to run mvn with the -U option to check for updates if you run into build issues.
Install the project using the provided settings.xml:
mvn -s support/settings.xml install
If you will be building the project often, you'll want to create/modify your own ~/.m2/settings.xml file.
If you're a regular JBoss developer, see:
Otherwise, see:
Once your repositories are configured, simply type:
mvn install
If you are using emacs, you can fire up swank via:
mvn clojure:swank
Install slime from marmalade via the instructions at https://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure under 'Connecting with SLIME'. Install clojure-mode, and connect with:
M-x slime-connect