To compile and run the main simulation:
make run
This command will build the main simulation binary and execute it. Build the Project
To compile the standard version of the simulation:
make birds
This will compile the main simulation program without OpenMP support.
To compile the OpenMP-enabled version of the simulation:
make openMP
This will compile the main simulation program with OpenMP support.
make mpi
This will compile the main simulation program with MPI support.
To compile and run the tests:
make test
This will compile the test program and execute it. Benchmark the Project
To compile the benchmarking program:
make bench
This will produce a binary named bench.out located in the bin folder.
To remove all compiled binary and object files:
make clean
This will clean up the bin directory by removing all object files and executables.
To view the documentation, open the file files.html
in the directory named html