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Archetyped edited this page May 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

Automatic Activation

SLB automatically activates links in recognized content areas.

The following content areas are supported by default:

  • Posts/Pages (including custom post types)
  • Widgets
  • Menus

Support for additional content areas can be enabled via extensions:

Manual Activation

Other content areas can be activated using SLB's slb_activate() template tag.

Simply pass the content to slb_activate() and it will process and return the activated content:

$content = 'content with links and stuff to activate';
if ( function_exists('slb_activate') ) {
	$content = slb_activate($content);
echo $content;


These are the parameters that can be passed to slb_activate()

  • $content (string) Content containing links to be activated
  • $group (string) Name of group to add activate links to in lightbox (e.g. for slideshows)
    • Note: Grouping must be enabled in SLB's admin settings for this parameter to have any effect.


Display post thumbnail in lightbox

📒 Note: Code should be added to a theme's post loop.

// Link post thumbnail to full-size image.
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
	$thumbnail = [
		// URI of full-size post thumbnail image.
		'uri' => get_the_post_thumbnail_url( null, 'full' ),
		// HTML to display post thumbnail.
		'img' => get_the_post_thumbnail(),
	// Build thumbnail link.
	$thumbnail['link'] = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_attr( $thumbnail['uri'] ), $thumbnail['img'] );

	// Display full-size image in lightbox when clicked.
	if ( function_exists( 'slb_activate' ) ) {
		$thumbnail['link'] = slb_activate( $thumbnail['link'] );

	// Display post thumbnail.
	echo $thumbnail['link'];