Arbor easy-mode apps for Girder 3.
This is descriptive rather than prescriptive, but it is what has been tested.
- Do this work with Python3
- Have two virtualenvs, one for girder named girder and one for girder-worker named gw.
- Install mongo and rabbitmq
- In virtualenv girder run the following commands, it doesn't matter where you run them from:
$ pip install --pre girder[plugins]
$ girder build
- These commands need to be run in the girder virtualenv from specific locations.
$ cd arbor_nova/girder_worker_tasks
$ pip install -e . # install gw tasks for producer
$ cd ../../arbor_nova/girder_plugin
$ pip install -e . # install girder plugin
$ girder serve # start serving girder
- In virtualenv gw run the following command, it doesn't matter where you run it from:
$ pip install --pre girder-worker
- These commands need to be run in the gw virtualenv from a specific location
$ cd arbor_nova/girder_worker_tasks
$ pip install -e . # install gw tasks for consumer
$ girder-worker # start girder-worker
Installs a REST endpoint for launching a GW job. The endpoint will take in a csv file id, and an output item id, then call the GW job. The GW job will download the csv file, append a new column to each line, then upload the resulting file to the output item.
- Should we have to enable the jobs or other dependent plugins? how to get those enabled automatically?
- Need to cleanup the output file on the GW task side. Is there a way to do that automatically?