The goal of this repo is to allow easy testing of various fixes, for dsmr_parser/clients/protocol.py
When this file is used by an integration in HomeAssistant and the user is trying to parse an EON Hungary telegram the code raises an exception and dies. In fact EON Hungary is sending non-ascii charaters in it's telegram (0xff chars).
There are 4 different test fixes in this test repo:
- use a try and a except block and in the except part encode and decode telegram with latin1 instead of ascii
- use a try and pass block
- use decode("ascii","ignore)
- use decode("ascii","backslashreplace")
How to use
Start HomeAsssitant's web userinterface. Open AdvTerminal and SSH console on the web interface.
Then jump into the homeassistant container and clone this repo to /tmp. They copy on of the fixes to /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dsmr_parser/clients/.
docker ps # You might need to disable protected mode docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash (csak egyszer) cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/apulai/dsmrjav (csak egyszer) cd /usr/local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/dsmr_parser/clients/ cp protocol.py protocol.py.orig -- ls (könyvtár tartalam) cd (váltás könyvtárak között) cp (másolás) cd /usr/local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/dsmr_parser/clients/ cp /tmp/dsmrjav/clients/protocol.jav_pass.py protocol.py or cp /tmp/dsmrjav/clients/protocol.jav_w2latin1.py protocol.py or cp /tmp/dsmrjav/clients/protocol.jav_wbsr.py protocol.py or cp /tmp/dsmrjav/clients/protocol.jav_ignore.py protocol.py`
Happy testing