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Train high-quality text-to-image diffusion models in a data & compute efficient manner


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ml_mdm - Matryoshka Diffusion Models

ml_mdm is a python package for efficiently training high quality text-to-image diffusion models — brought to the public by Luke Carlson, Jiatao Gu, Shuangfei Zhai, and Navdeep Jaitly.

This software project accompanies the research paper, Matryoshka Diffusion Models.

Jiatao Gu, Shuangfei Zhai, Yizhe Zhang, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly

[Paper] [BibTex]

mdm text to image outputs

Table of Contents

Section Description
Introduction A brief overview of Matryoshka Diffusion Models
Installation Start training models and generating samples with ml_mdm
Pretrained Models Links to download our pretrained models (64, 256, 1024)
Web Demo Generate images with our web UI
Codebase Structure An overview of the python module
Concepts Core concepts and design principles.
Tutorial Step-by-step training of an MDM model on CC12m


Diffusion models are the de facto approach for generating high-quality images and videos, but learning high-dimensional models remains a formidable task due to computational and optimization challenges.

ml_mdm is an end-to-end framework for high-resolution image and video synthesis — it is named after our technique: Matryoshka Diffusion Models.

Remarkably, we can train a single pixel-space model at resolutions of up to 1024x1024 pixels, demonstrating strong zero-shot generalization using the CC12M dataset, which contains only 12 million images.

mdm multi scale pipeline


The default installation dependencies, as defined in the pyproject.toml, are selected so that you can install this library even on a CPU only machine.

Users have run this codebase with Python 3.9,3.10 and cuda_12, cuda-11.8

> pip install -e .

Developers should set up pre-commit as well with pre-commit install.

Running Test Cases

> pytest   # will run all test cases - including ones that require a gpu
> pytest  -m "not gpu"  # run test cases that can work with just cpu

Pretrained Models

We've uploaded model checkpoints to:

Note: We are releasing models that were trained on 50M text-image pairs collected from Flickr. In this repo, we provide scripts for downloading CC12M and configs for training equivalent models on CC12M data.

Feel free to download the models or skip further down to train your own. Once a pretrained model is downloaded locally, you can use it in our web demo, pass it as an argument to training, sampling, and more.

export ASSET_PATH=

curl $ASSET_PATH/flickr64/vis_model.pth --output vis_model_64x64.pth
curl $ASSET_PATH/flickr256/vis_model.pth --output vis_model_256x256.pth
curl $ASSET_PATH/flickr1024/vis_model.pth --output vis_model_1024x1024.pth

Web Demo

You can run your own instance of the web demo (after downloading the checkpoints) with this command:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=1  ml_mdm/clis/ --port $YOUR_PORT



module description
ml_mdm.models The core model implementations
ml_mdm.diffusion Model pipelines, for example DDPM
ml_mdm.config Connects configuration dataclasses with associated models, pipelines, and clis using simple parsing
ml_mdm.clis All command line tools in the project, the most relevant being
tests/ Unit tests and sample training files



In the ml_mdm.models submodule, we've open sourced our implementations of:

  • U-Nets
  • Nested U-Nets


ml_mdm.config contains the core configuration and cli logic. Many models, clis, and functions in this codebase are configured by passing in a dataclass object. We use SimpleParsing to dynamically create clis and allow passing in yaml config representations with --config_path.

In essence, simple_parsing will convert all passed cli arguments and yaml files into clean configuration classes like ml_mdm.reader.ReaderConfig, ml_mdm.diffusion.DiffusionConfig.


Generate Your Own Images With Pretrained Checkpoints

Once you've installed ml_mdm, download these checkpoints into the repo's directory.

curl --output vis_model_64x64.pth
curl --output vis_model_256x256.pth

The web demo will load each model with a corresponding configuration:

  • vis_model_64x64.pth will be loaded with the settings from configs/models/cc12m_64x64.yaml
  • vis_model_256x256.pth will be loaded with the settings from configs/models/cc12m_256x256.yaml
  • vis_model_1024x1024.pth will be loaded with the settings from configs/models/cc12m_1024x1024.yaml

In the demo, you can change a variety of settings and peek into the internals of the model. Set the port you'd like to use by swapping in $YOUR_PORT and then run:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=1  ml_mdm/clis/ --port $YOUR_PORT

Training on Dummy Data

If you just want to step through the process of training a model and running a pipeline without downloading a large dataset, we've put together a minimal example for you. It uses the dummy data from tests/test_files/

Feel free to try changing a variety of --args either directly in the cli or by editing the config yaml file

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=1 ml_mdm/clis/ \
 --file-list=tests/test_files/sample_training_0.tsv \
 --multinode=0 \
  --output-dir=outputs    --config_path configs/models/cc12m_64x64.yaml \
  -num_diffusion_steps=10 \

You should see a outputs/vis_model_000100.pth file. Now lets do something a bit more meaningful:

Lets train an MDM model on CC12m

1. Data Prep:

(OPTIONAL) Download the first 1K files of CC12m with this sample argument

The script is based on img2dataset's CC12M script.

curl | head -n 1000 > cc12m_index.tsv

# Add headers to the file
sed -i '1s/^/url\tcaption\n/'  cc12m_index.tsv

Note: if you want all of cc12m, remove | head -n 1000 from the call

Then prepare and split into train/validation

This script requires img2dataset, either run pip install '.[data_prep]' or just pip install img2dataset

python3 -m ml_mdm.clis.scrape_cc12m \
  --cc12m_index cc12m_index.tsv \
  --cc12m_local_dir cc12m_download

After running this command you will see the following files:

training.0.tsv # train index file
validation.tsv # validation index file
   00000.parquet  00000.tar  00000.tsv  00000_stats.json  validation.tsv
   00001.parquet ....

2. Train

Now that we have our training file, we can select a model config and pass any additional training arguments:

# Modify torchrun arguments to fit your GPU setup
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=8 ml_mdm/clis/ \
  --file-list=training_0.tsv \
  --multinode=0 --output-dir=/mnt/data/outputs \
  --config_path configs/models/cc12m_64x64.yaml \
  --num-training-steps=100   --warmup-steps 10

Note: configs/models/cc12m_64x64.yaml contains many more arguments, check it out for more details.

If you've downloaded a pretrained model, you can set the --pretrained-vision-file argument to point to its location on disk

Once training completes, you'll find the model in the folder defined by the --output-dir argument:

2024-07-22:17:58:46,649 INFO     [] Saving EMA model file: /mnt/data/outputs/vis_model_000100.pth
2024-07-22:17:58:47,448 INFO     [] Saving model file: /mnt/data/outputs/vis_model_noema_000100.pth

3. Sample from the model

Now that we have a trained model, we can generate samples from the diffusion model:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=1 ml_mdm/clis/ \
  --config_path configs/models/cc12m_64x64.yaml \
  --min-examples 3 --test-file-list validation.tsv \
  --sample-image-size 64 --model-file /mnt/data/outputs/vis_model_000100.pth

If you want to skip the training step, you can update --model-file to point to one of our pretrained models

Dataset Storage

For long term storage, you can optionally upload your data to s3://{your_bucket}/datasets/{datasetname}/*.[tar,tsv].

Then update configs/datasets/cc12m.yaml to point to your s3 paths.

# configs/datasets/cc12m.yaml
    - s3://mlx/datasets/cc12m-64x64/images_00.*.tsv
    - s3://mlx/datasets/cc12m-64x64/validation.tsv
# configs/datasets/reader_config.yaml
  append_eos: true
  bucket: ${your_bucket} # add your s3 bucket
  endpoint_url: None # boto will automatically infer the endpoint

Then you can use our dataset download helper:

python -m ml_mdm.clis.download_tar_from_index \
  --dataset-config-file configs/datasets/cc12m.yaml \
  --subset train --download_tar

python -m ml_mdm.clis.download_tar_from_index \
  --dataset-config-file configs/datasets/cc12m.yaml \
  --subset eval --download_tar

S3 Dataset Selection

Take a look at configs/datasets/cc12m.yaml.

The code allows for multiple regular expressions to be provided. Keep in mind that the regular expressions are not globs -- they are regular expressions from the python re library. So if you wanted to use only 100 of the 1000 tar files in WebImage for training you can do the following:

    - s3://mlx/datasets/example-dataset-100M_64px/example-dataset-100M-00[0-1]..-[0-9]*-of-01000.tsv
    - s3://mlx/datasets/example-dataset-100M_64px/validation.tsv

You can also mix and match the files. So if you wanted to merge CC12m and imagenet you could create a new yaml file with the following contents:

    - s3://mlx/datasets/imagenet-64px/imagenet-train-000??-of-00100.tsv
    - s3://mlx/datasets/cc12m-64x64/images_00.*.tsv
    - s3://mlx/datasets/cc12m-64x64/validation.tsv

Dataset Structure

The S3 Bucket contains a series of files in this format, take a look at ml_mdm/clis/ to generate your own.

2023-04-01 01:31:30   36147200 images_00000.tar
2023-05-10 11:34:49    1108424 images_00000.tsv
2023-04-01 01:31:26   36454400 images_00001.tar
2023-05-10 11:34:49    1109588 images_00001.tsv
2023-04-01 01:31:53   36116480 images_00002.tar

Minimal representations of these files can be found at tests/test_files/.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing us as:

      title={Matryoshka Diffusion Models},
      author={Jiatao Gu and Shuangfei Zhai and Yizhe Zhang and Josh Susskind and Navdeep Jaitly},