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Create Mararathon Match Problems Using MPSQAS Client

skyhit edited this page Jan 16, 2015 · 1 revision

Creating a contest

  1. Run mpsqas.bat for Windows or for Linux, or though Java Web Start using You may meet Java Security problem, please follow to add to the Exception Site list..

  2. Login using your credentials. Make sure that Use SSL is unchecked.

  3. Click "Problems" -> "Main Long Problem Room" in the menu.

  4. Click Create Problem button.

  5. Fill in Class Name, Memory Limit (MB) to 1024 and change Round Type into Long Problem Round. After that click Submit.

  6. At this point you will have to wait for the problem to be approved. To check the status, in the menu click "Problems" -> "Main Long Problem Room".

Approving a Problem (for Admin Role)

  1. Login using your credentials. Make sure that Use SSL is unchecked.

  2. To open pending problems, in the menu click "Admin" -> "Pending Long Problems" then you will see a list of Pending Proposals. Select a problem in the list then click View Problem.

  3. Alternatively, you can just type the problem name on the Search Box then click Go.

  4. With the Problem opened:

  5. Click on the Admin tab.

  6. Change the Status, for this example we change it to Final Testing.

  7. On Problem Testers, choose from the Available Testers then click Add, those testers will be added on the Scheduled Testers list.

  8. Click the Save Changes button. * NOTE: NEVER CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON. *

Modifying and Testing the Approved Problem.

  1. In this step, we assume that the problem is already approved. On the menu, click "Problems -> Main Long Problem Room", you will see your created problem already approved(in this example it's in Final Testing).

  2. Select the problem and click View Problem button.

  3. In the Statement Editor tab:

  4. Check the Simple Math category. Then click Save Statement button. NOTE: If you can't see the checkboxes try resizing the window.

[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_simple_math.png | Simple Math]]
  1. Change problem statement part to Methods.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_methods.png | Methods]]
  1. Modify Method Name, Parameters and Returns, click Add Method then click Save Statement.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_method_save.png | Modify Method]]
  1. Change problem statement part to Introduction. Fill the textarea, when you're done click Save Statement.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_introduction.PNG | Introductiom]]
  1. In the Test Data tab:
  2. Add new test cases by clicking the New button. Try adding 6 Test Cases.
  3. Modify the parameters, in this example our parameter is a String. Set it to "1","2","3","1","2","3". (Don't forget the double quotes).
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_test_string1.png | String Parameter 1]]
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_test_string2.png | String Parameter 2]]
  1. Check the first 3 test cases as Example (Don't mark any test case as System). Then click Save Statement button.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_test_example.png | Check firs 3 Test Case as Example]]
  1. In the Solution tab:
  2. Enter or paste your code in the editor then click the Compile button.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_compile.png | Compile]]
  1. You will see the compilation status on the output window.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_compile_status.png | Compile Status]]
  1. Go back to Test Data tab:
  2. Select a test case, then click the Test button, you can run the test case on the solution you just submitted.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_test_code.png | Test Solution]]
  1. The result will be shown on the output window.
[[tutorials/marathon-mpsqa/mpsqa_test_output.png | Test Output]]
  1. Submit the problem by clicking the Submit button.