This tool generates a DOT file for a service found in a docker-compose.yml file. These DOT files can then be fed into GraphViz to generate a graph.
go run . -in="./docker-compose.yml" -service="your-service-name"
This will produce output that looks like this.
digraph G {
"send-comunication" -> "nsqd"
"nsqd" -> "nsqlookupd"
"send-comunication" -> "nsqlookupd"
"send-comunication" -> "process-image"
"process-image" -> "nsqd"
"process-image" -> "nsqlookupd"
"process-image" -> "nsqadmin"
"nsqadmin" -> "nsqlookupd"
"process-image" -> "upload-ui"
"upload-ui" -> "nsqd"
"upload-ui" -> "nsqlookupd"
"upload-ui" -> "nsqadmin"
Then if you wish you can use the GraphViz executable to create a graphic. For example:
go run . -in="./docker-compose.yml" -service="your-service-name" >
dot -Tpng -o output.png
Or string it together like so.
go run . -in="./docker-compose.yml" -service="your-service-name" | dot -Tpng -o output.png
You can also list all of the services found in the docker-compose.yml file.
go run . -in="./docker-compose.yml" -list="true"