A short start to App Masters APIs:
// Requires for bootstrap
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const envs = require('./config/config');
const packag = require('./package');
const passport = require('passport');
const userSchema = require('./app/model/userSchema');
const apiBootstrap = require('./apiBoostrap');
// 1 - Api Bootstrap tests
apiBootstrap.setup(app, envs, packag, passport);
// 2 - Include Routes
// 3 - Listen API
When using the apiBootstrapS
, you can use a local development variables.
Create a .env file in the project root and set the variables.
Right now, the bootstrap is accepting:
DATABASE_URL=postgres://...?ssl=true //If not set here, must be specified on config file
singleLoginSignup:true // will enable login and signup at same route: /login/
Easy node-restful use with less code and more resources.
Will register a route with node-restful.
let route = {
route: '/api/user',
modelName: 'user',
schema: mySchema,
nodeRestful.registerRoute(app, router, routeParams);
Do same as registerRoute, but receiving an array of routes.
Allow to call a model method directly from rest route.
Eg: http://myapi.com/user/5a3168e1f60a471f02fb92f5/sendGreetings
will call referred user user.sendGreetings()
First it will check for mongoose.model(yourModel).sendGreetings
method, if it found, well be called mongoose.model(yourModel).sendGreetings(5a3168e1f60a471f02fb92f5)
If the method don't exists on mongoose model, will check on model instance, like mongoose.model(yourModel).find(5a3168e1f60a471f02fb92f5).sendGreetings
, if it exists will be called without any parameter.
To all of this work you just need pass exposeModelMethods
to registerRoute.
let route = {
route: '/api/user',
modelName: 'user',
schema: mySchema,
exposeModelMethods: ['sendGreetings','getMoreData','sendMoreSpam']
nodeRestful.registerRoute(app, router, routeParams);
Add invite key on api config file:
envs.development = {
invite: {
singleUserLink: true,
baseUrlAndRoute: 'http://publicurl.com/invite/',
sendEmail: true
If you want to know if some user accept an invite, call somewhere:
// invite have all data you need
Allow to manage the message sending.
- On the config.js file, set the message config (this file will be used as a parameter in the message.setup(config) method).
- The example bellow sets a configuration object for the 'feedback' message key that will save on the de dataBase (saveToDb: boolean).
- message.fields sets the fields expected and the correspond string that will be displayed to the final user.
const message = {
feedback: {
to: "[email protected]",
subject: "Feedback de uso",
saveToDb: true,
fields: {name: 'Nome', gender: 'Sexo', text: 'Mensagem'}
// Router example
router.post('/message/:messageKey', Message.sendMessage);
- The notification config object must look exactly like this
// you can do this way
const firebaseServiceAccount = require('path-to-your/service-account.json');
// or this way (the firebaseServiceAccount must have this structure)
const firebaseServiceAccount = {
'type': 'service_account',
'project_id': '',
'private_key_id': '',
'private_key': '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----------END PRIVATE KEY-----\n',
'client_email': '',
'client_id': '',
'auth_uri': '',
'token_uri': '',
'auth_provider_x509_cert_url': '',
'client_x509_cert_url': ''
const notification = {
credential: firebaseServiceAccount,
databaseURL: ''
- Our apiBootstrap will handle this object and setup the Notification
- But if you don't want to use the apiBoostrap just call:
- Receives the config object and sets its credentials on the firebase-admin instance
npm install
const ModelSequelize = require('@app-masters/node-lib').modelSequelize;
const sequelize = require('../resources/sequelize'); //sequelize connection
const otherModel = require('./path/to/otherModel');
const MyModel extends ModelSequelize {}
const schema = {/*sequelize schema with foreign key to 'other'*/};
const modelOptions = [{model: otherModel, options: {foreignKey: 'otherId'}}]);
MyModel.setup( modelName, schema, itemInstance, relationArray, modelOptions);
module.exports = MyModel.model;
To use sessions just add a session key on your config.
- Message
npm run test test/sequelizeMessage.test.js
Check all changes on changelog.