A custom point type, PointTreeseg, has been introduced across the libraries and executables. This permits flexibility in parsing additional return attributes (e.g., range / reflectance / scan number etc). By default PointTreeseg = PointXYZ, but can be readily modified in treeseg_pointtype.h using the example template.
If additional point data are parsed, then downsampling behaviour may be undesirable (i.e., losing and/or aggregating these additional data). thin.cpp is an alternative to downsample.cpp, that reduces point cloud size whilst preserving additional return attributes.
The larger-area (plot-level) point cloud is now expected to be a series of individual tiled point clouds (n >= 1). rxp2pcd has been modified to output these tiles, with tile area (m2) defined by an input argument. Each executable has also been updated to expect these tiles. This is something of a workaround for the issue of requiring large contiguous blocks of unoccupied RAM to load large point clouds (approx. >4GB).
Updated rxp2pcd for compatibility with RiVLIB 2.5.x.
The separation of wood and leaf returns in segmentcrown via libleafsep is now optional via boolean input argument.
Various bug fixes.