brew services start postgresql
npm install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
- create a new user in the REPL:
rails c
User.create(username: 'apaleslimghost', password: 'hunter2')
rails s
- posts
- markdown
- like
- excerpts
- social preview
- tags
- tag tokeniser input
- auth
- design
- deploy
- drag & drop
- bear markdown ingest
- activestorage
- textbundle-like formats (nested folders of things, preserve paths as blobs)
- rss
- webmentions
- sending
- receiving
- display
- but nice
- microformats
- more microformats?
- bridgy publishing
- notes (without title)
- pull in youtube videos, soundcloud releases, spotify releases
- featured video/live broadcast
- pagination/lazy loading
- fix home header styles on small screens
- post date time
- safari ugh
- mobile layout (static position)