0.30.1 (alpha)
What's Changed
- KOGITO-9362: Externalize dev mode image as env parameter by @ederign in https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-tools/pull/1788
- KOGITO-9362: Fix operator version to 1.40.0 on kn-plugin-workflow by @ederign in https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-tools/pull/1798
- KOGITO-9362: Fix dev mode image to quay.io/kiegroup/kogito-swf-devmode:1.40.1 on kn-plugin-workflow by @ederign in https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-tools/pull/1802
- KOGITO-9362: Fix dev mode image to version 1.40 on kn-plugin-workflow by @ederign in https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-tools/pull/1805