An input files generator for HPhi, mVMC, UHF, and H-wave.
C compiler (intel, Fujitsu, GNU, etc. )
$ git clone
You can download StdFace from a release note.
$ cmake -B build [options]
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --install install
If you define -DUHF=OFF as [options], uhf_dry.out will not be made. If you define -DMVMC=OFF as [options], mvmc_dry.out will not be made. If you define -DHPHI=OFF as [options], hphi_dry.out will not be made. If you define -DHWAVE=OFF as [options], hawave_dry.out will not be made.
The distribution of the program package and the source codes for StdFace follow GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3).
Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Mitsuaki Kawamura.
under construction