This project uses Amplify Framework to generate an AWS GraphQL API and a DynamoDB Single Table.
You can find more detail of the configurations and components coded in this project in the following post: Using the Single Table design on AWS DynamoDB.
- An AWS account.
- Git.
- Amplify CLI.
- OpenJDK 17. You can use SDK Man.
- Maven.
First, you need to initialize the Ionic/Angular project in the frontend folder:
amplify configure
amplify init
The previous command ask you to select your AWS profile installed in your local machine to deploy infra in your AWS account and region.
NOTE: If the previous command shows that there is a new version of Amplify CLI, try to update it first and then install Amplify again:
amplify upgrade
sudo npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
First, you need to configure the API integration for the app, selected GraphQL as desired one:
amplify add api
Then, you need to modify the amplify/backend/api/ionicdynamosingletbl/schema.graphql file adding the following content:
# This "input" configures a global authorization rule to enable public access to
# all models in this schema. Learn more about authorization rules here:
input AMPLIFY { globalAuthRule: AuthRule = { allow: public } } # FOR TESTING ONLY!
type SingleTable @model(subscriptions: { level: off }, timestamps: null) {
pk: ID! @primaryKey(sortKeyFields: ["sk"])
sk: String!
gsi1pk: ID! @index(name: "gsi1pk", sortKeyFields: ["gsi1sk"], queryField: "getItemByGSI")
gsi1sk: String!
location: LocationVO
company: CompanyVO
openPosition: OpenPositionVO
createdAt: AWSDateTime!
updatedAt: AWSDateTime
type LocationVO {
country: String!
flagImageUrl: String!
type CompanyVO {
city: String!
name: String!
industry: String!
url: String!
type OpenPositionVO {
title: String!
seniority: String!
field: String!
skills: String!
This content creates a Single table on DynamoDB, and we will be using it to interact with our app.
You can load initial data to test this app. If so, run the Java Faker project in the backend folder:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/java-faker-dynamodb-example.jar
ionic build
ionic serve