Releases: aol/cyclops
v1.0.5 of cyclops-react : Performance improvements, bug fixes
1.0.5 of cyclops-react
cyclops-react 1.0.5 speeds up the performance of takeRight and scanLeft operators as well as fixing a bug in the Try API. recoverWith allows a Try to returned rather than insisting on a Success instance.
Check out the features delivered and bugs fixed -
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
v1.0.4 of cyclops-react : Primitive Streaming Optimizations
1.0.4 of cyclops-react
cyclops-react 1.0.4 introduces the ability to work on primitives directly in ReactiveSeq. For example when using range, rangeLong or other creational operators that supply a primitive based Spliterator a primitive Stream can be manipulated inside ReactiveSeq.
longs / ints / doubles operators allow intermediate operations on primitive longs
ReactiveSeq.rangeLong(1, 1000)
intFold / longFold / doubleFold operators allow efficient primitive terminal operations
If a primitive spliterator is available, no Object-to-primitive conversion is performed or neccessary.
ReactiveSeq.range(1, 1000)
Check out the features delivered and bugs fixed -
Get cyclops-react
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
v1.0.3 of cyclops-react : colfatMap, foldFuture and bug fixes
1.0.3 of cyclops-react
- coflatMap for lazy collect / folds on Collection and Stream types
- foldFuture for asynchronous folds on Collection and Stream types
- foldTry for error capture
- foldLazy for lazy evaluation
Check out the features delivered and bugs fixed -
Get cyclops-react
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
v1.0.2 of cyclops-react : javadoc & better FutureW api
1.0.2 of cyclops-react
- Improved javadoc
- Enhanced FutureW api
- To - for fluent conversions and custom operators across all types
Check out the features delivered and bugs fixed -
Get cyclops-react
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
v1.0.1 of cyclops-react : better javadoc, bug fixes
1.0.1 of cyclops-react
Improved javadoc + a number of bug fixes
Get cyclops-react
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
1.0.0-FINAL of cyclops-react
Interface hardening for the release of 1.0.0
Some of the features in cyclops-react
Get cyclops-react
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github 1.0.0-FINAL issues & PRS
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
1.0.0-RC4 of cyclops-react : API enhancements & bug fixes
1.0.0-RC4 of cyclops-react
In RC4 the API for ApplicativeFunctors has been significantly improved and is in it's final form for the 1.0.0-FINAL release.
It is possible to create cyclops-react value types (e.g. Eval, Maybe, FutureW, Xor) from reactive-streams publishers.
A number of critical bugs have been fixed for HotStreams and for Monad Transformers.
Some of the features in cyclops-react
Get cyclops-react
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- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
1.0.0-RC3 of cyclops-react : For comprehensions, transformers and recursion
1.0.0-RC3 of cyclops-react
cyclops-react RC3 introduces major enhancements to the For Comprehensions API. Do has been replaced by For and a simpler set of operators.
In addition Monad Transformer support has been increased significantly and made a lot easier to use (to manipulated nested types, for example Lists inside a Stream or Optional inside a Set). Sequence and Value based implementations are provided for each supported Transformer type. E.g For Optional we can use ListTValue, but for Set we should use ListTSeq.
Maybe, Eval and Matchable have map / flatMap methods that are tail call optimized for Recursion.
A coflatMap operator has been added also.
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Upgrade to Jool 0.9.11 enhancement
#192 opened 3 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Upgrade to jooλ 0.9.11 enhancement
#191 opened 3 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Any monad transformers control-types enhancement
#190 opened 4 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Provide a coFlatMap operator for sequences and values control-types enhancement
#189 opened 11 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
AnyMSeq and AnyMValue should be able to work directly with cyclops-react types control-types enhancement
#185 opened 12 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
NestedTraversable, NestedCollectable, NestedFoldable are required for Monad transformers for nested aggregated data sources control-types Traversables
#183 opened 12 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
For comprehension enhancements
#180 opened 17 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
ReactiveSeq.range(aNegativeValue, other) bug
#177 opened 24 days ago by langzhaozhi 1.0.0-RC3
Move all structural pattern matching static methods from Matchable to Matchables enhancement pattern matching
#171 opened on Mar 22 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 1
Make matchable tail recursive enhancement pattern matching
#169 opened on Mar 22 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 1
Make Maybe tail recursive control-types enhancement
#168 opened on Mar 22 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 1
Add tail recursion support to Eval control-types enhancement
#167 opened on Mar 22 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 1
Make Reader a functional interface control-types enhancement
#165 opened on Mar 21 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 1
Issue with Pipes futureStream and nextOrNull bug LazyFutureStream reactive-streams
#164 opened on Mar 20 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
@johnmcclean-aol 2
Simplify Value and Traversable APIs collection-eXtensions control-types enhancement question
#163 opened on Mar 20 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Make CollectionX operations lazy & more efficient collection-eXtensions enhancement
#162 opened on Mar 20 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
andThen methods on FluentFunctions should return the FluentFunction type easy-to-contribute enhancement
#161 opened on Mar 20 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add fromPublisher creational methods to seq based monad transformers control-types reactive-streams
#159 opened on Mar 17 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add fromValue static creational methods to monad transformers control-types
#158 opened on Mar 17 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Simplify for-comprehension implementation Refactoring
#157 opened on Mar 16 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add a MonadConverter for Publisher to Stream enhancement reactive-streams
#156 opened on Mar 15 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add for-comprehensions directly onto MonadicSeq enhancement
#148 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add for-comprehensions directly onto MonadicValue enhancement
#147 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Create an type / inheritance hierarchy for Monad transformers that includes for-comprehensions enhancement
#146 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Create conversion methods that allow lifting a value or traversable type into a Monad Transformer enhancement
#145 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Create Value and Seq versions of each monad transformer enhancement
#144 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Add unit and empty instance methods to monad transformers enhancement
#143 opened on Mar 13 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Clean up & simplify the for comprehensions api enhancement
#136 opened on Mar 9 by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC3
Get cyclops-react
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
v1.0.0-RC2.2 of cyclops-react : reactive-streams enhancements
1.0.0-RC2.2 of cyclops-react
RC2 sees reactive-streams more deeply embedded into the cyclops-react API. Other highlights include Maybe is now a totally lazy Optional / Option alternative. PushableStreamBuilder has become StreamSource and been promoted to the control package. New flatMapPublisher, mergePublisher and grouping reduction opterator (called combine) have been added.
In addition RC2 sees the number of unit tests rise to almost 12,000!
Next enhancements
- RC3 will see the For comprehension interface greatly enhanced, with native reactive-streams support, made both easier to use and more powerful
- In RC3 Monad Transformers will also be greatly improved in both power, range and ease of use
- In RC4 advanced operations on collections will become transparently lazy and as efficient as Stream operations
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- ResolveForCrossType flatMap should be abstract and return an Iterator enhancement
#154 opened 5 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2.2
1 - Fix type signature of forEach in futureOperations bug easy-to-contribute ReactiveSeq
#153 opened 5 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2.2
1 - Add from(Publisher publisher) creational methods to all types collection-eXtensions enhancement LazyFutureStream reactive-streams ReactiveSeq
#152 opened 5 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2.2
1 - ReactiveSeq forEachWithError issue
#150 opened 6 days ago by langzhaozhi 1.0.0-RC2.1
@johnmcclean-aol 4 - Improve onFail type signature enhancement LazyFutureStream
#149 opened 6 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2.2
1 - Remove hamcrest as a dependency enhancement
#142 opened 7 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Add a mergePublisher operator to IterableFunctor that allows reactive-streams Publishers to be asynchronously merged into a single Stream enhancement reactive-streams Traversables
#140 opened 8 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Move Pipes into control and clean up the API control-types reactive-streams
#139 opened 9 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 2 - Make Maybe totally lazy control-types enhancement
#138 opened 9 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Add a flatMapPublisher method/s to Traversables reactive-streams Traversables
#133 opened 11 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Remove AnyM#toSequence and AnyM#asSequence enhancement
#131 opened 13 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - SimpleReactStream ofAll type signature needs improved bug
#130 opened 13 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
1 - permutations & combinations don't work with SortedSet types as not comparable. bug collection-eXtensions
#128 opened 17 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - cycle, cycleWhile, cycleUntil don't make sense on Set, SortedSet, PSetX, POrderedSetX bug collection-eXtensions
#127 opened 17 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - ZippingApplicatives for Stream types cause Stream has already been acted on or closed error bug LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq
#126 opened 18 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Add an reduction based equivalent (combine) to groupedStatefullyWhile collection-eXtensions enhancement LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq Traversables
#125 opened 19 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Semigroup should extend BinaryOperator control-types easy-to-contribute enhancement
#122 opened 20 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - LazyReact and SimpleReact stream builder generate / iterate methods should be consistent with JDK Stream API bug LazyFutureStream
#121 opened 20 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 2 - Add a nullValue Predicate to Predicates composing-predicates easy-to-contribute enhancement
#120 opened 21 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
1 - ReactiveSeq publisher fails reactive-streams tck (3.3) bug reactive-streams ReactiveSeq
#119 opened 22 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 2 - Create an MatchingXor type and associated Predicates composing-predicates control-types enhancement pattern matching
#116 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 3 - Add an instanceOf Predicate to Predicates composing-predicates easy-to-contribute pattern matching
#115 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
1 - Add peekStream and peekInput methods to AbstractPushableStream easy-to-contribute enhancement LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq
#114 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Static creational methods for PushableStreamBuilder / StreamSource and ability to select Queue type control-types enhancement LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq
#113 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2 - MultiplePushableStreamsBuilder should be renamed to MultiStreamSource easy-to-contribute enhancement LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq
#112 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Generation of LazyFutureStream in PushableStreamBuilder and MultiplePushableStreamBuilder should accept LazyReact bug easy-to-contribute LazyFutureStream
#111 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
1 - Rename PushableStreamBuilder to StreamSource and move to control-types easy-to-contribute enhancement LazyFutureStream ReactiveSeq
#110 opened 23 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - CyclopsSubscriber creates a ReactiveSeq by a method called sequenceM bug ReactiveSeq
#108 opened 24 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 3 - PushableStreamBuilder should have a factory method for ReactiveSeq easy-to-contribute enhancement ReactiveSeq
#107 opened 24 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
1 - Traversable should implement reactive-streams publisher. enhancement ReactiveSeq Traversables
#106 opened 24 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - AnyMSeq should implement reactive-streams publisher easy-to-contribute enhancement
#105 opened 24 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
@johnmcclean-aol 1 - Value should implement reactive-streams Publisher control-types enhancement
#104 opened 24 days ago by johnmcclean-aol 1.0.0-RC2
Get cyclops-react
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
1.0.0-RC1 of cyclops-react
1.0.0-RC1 of cyclops-react
# 1.0.0-RC1 of cyclops-react
cyclops-react is the merger of simple-react and cyclops. It provides a complete development environment for asynchronous, functional applications by extending JDK interfaces to offer
- Easy to use Streams of Futures (LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream) with significant optimizations available - particularly suite for performing I/O at scale..
- Collection eXtensions - pure JDK and pCollections for persistent data structures
- Sequential (ReactiveSeq) and multi-threaded (LazyFutureStream) reactive-streams, with detailed user guides
- Functional control structures (Eval, Maybe, Xor, Ior, Trampoline, FutureW, FeatureToggle, Try, Reader)
- FluentFunctions and others for working with method references and functions.
- Structural pattern matching and pattern matching via guards & visitor pattern
- Full powered for-comprehensions for working with deeply nested structures
- JDK Stream Utilities & Streamable for replayable Streams
- Compositional predicates
- Integrated, sophisticated interface type hierarchy
- Java friendly monads & applicatives
- Extends jOOλ and pCollections, implements reactive-streams and transfers data across threads using Agrona
- Used in production @ Aol.
- Substantial documentation and examples
Get cyclops-react
compile ''
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.