v1.0.5 of cyclops-react : Performance improvements, bug fixes
1.0.5 of cyclops-react
cyclops-react 1.0.5 speeds up the performance of takeRight and scanLeft operators as well as fixing a bug in the Try API. recoverWith allows a Try to returned rather than insisting on a Success instance.
Check out the features delivered and bugs fixed -
Get cyclops-react
compile 'com.aol.simplereact:cyclops-react:1.0.5’
- Reactive programming with Java 8 and simple-react: The Tutorial
- JDK Collection eXtensions
- Awesome Fluent Functions
- Straightforward Structural Pattern Matching
- Performant Functional Try
- Articles on medium
- Introducting the Cyclops Monad API
- Easier Try with Cyclops
- 4 flavors of Java 8 Functions
- Memoise Functions in Java 8
- Strategy Pattern in Java 8
- Functional Feature Toggling
- Dependency injection using the Reader Monad in Java8
- Scheduling a Stream
- Neophytes guide to Java 8 : Welcome to the Future
- Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines with Cyclops
cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.