The Json4s Optics is providing optical operation for Json4s by Monocle.
You need the following imports.
// Json4s
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
// Monocle
import monocle._, Monocle._
// This library
import com.github.aoiroaoino.json4s_optics.all._
If you have the following json value.
val json: JValue = JObject(
"name" -> JString("aoino"),
"age" -> JInt(25),
"favorites" -> JArray(List(JString("scala"), JString("haskell")))
Get age value.
json applyPrism _jObject composeOptional index("age") composePrism _jInt getOption
//=> Some(25)
Capitalize name.
json applyPrism _jObject composeOptional index("name") composePrism _jString modify(_.capitalize)
//=> JObject("name" -> JString("Aoino"), "age" -> ...)
Of cource you can also use alias methods.
json &<-? _jObject ^|-? index("name") ^<-? _jString modify(_.capitalize)
//=> same as above
And easy traverse.
json &<-? _jObject ^|-? index("favorites") ^<-? _jArray ^|->> each ^<-? _jString modify(_.capitalize)
//=> JObject("name" -> ..., "favorites" -> JArray(List(JString("Scala"), JString("Haskell"))))
If you want to more samples, please look here!