A complete rewrite a DirtyShare featuring:
- Node 8.x
- Express 3.x
- Whiskers templates
- Less CSS
- BinaryJS for cleaner websocket transfers
- Connect-Asset to dynamically uglify/compress resources in production
- A slick UI
- Production deployment ready
- Learning the node.js eco-system
- Have a fast way to share large file between two peers
###What does it do?
It streams files between two peers using a node.js process as the middle man. The application is heavily dependent upon the latest HTML5 standards: websockets, fileapi, drag & drop, advances css styling and animations.
Node.js needs to be preinstalled in your system. If you run OSX, install HomeBrew, then type brew install node
- Clone the repo, cd to folder
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start in DEV: node app.js
- Start in PROD: npm start
Master Server Slave
| join(hash) | |
|------------->| get/hash |
| |<-----------|
| start | |
|<-------------| |
| | |
| sendChunk | fileChunk |
| progress upd | |
|<-------------| |
| | |
##Production deployment
- The project provides a github hook, that automatically deploys in PRODUCTION upon updates to the PROD branch.
- Only works with Chrome for now
- Since this is dealing with WebSockets, you can't hide node behind a typical web-proxy. Consider HA-Proxy, kernel port forwarding or direct exposition.
- Detect unsupported browsers
- Rework the about page
Node.js Rocks! Olivier Refalo