Collection of scripts that I created and used in my life.
Allow to securely save your passwords on your computer. Passwords will be saved under "~/Private/passwords.txt.gpg" and encrypted using gpg using a master passwords. If you forgot your master passwords you won't be able to decrypt the file anymore.
To use this script you must install gpg.
mkdir ~/Private
cd ~/Private
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" > passwords.txt
echo "| Site | Username | Password | Extra Info |" >> passwords.txt
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> passwords.txt
echo "| | MyUser | MyPass | |" >> passwords.txt
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> passwords.txt
gpg -c passwords.txt
rm passwords.txt
To see a password: see example
To edit a passwords:
to be implemented
Resizes all jpg files in the current folders to a new image of size more or less 2400x1800 It keeps the ratio of the photo. It does not actually change the current photos but create a copy in a new folder 'resized'
Resizes photos in current folders: