This .NET solution provides a Web Api REST service that exposes a database model through OData V4 standards.
(.NET 4.52, c#, OWIN, EF6, OData 4)
The solution consists of three projects:
- WebHost : This OWIN Web Host is the entry point to the service.
- RestApi : This OWIN middleware DLL provides the OData controllers in the service.
- EFSDAL : This DLL is the data layer. 100% EF6, DB 1st generated code.
The service uses an MS SQL Server data file with an existing movie and music dvd sample data that runs within the solution. (Data from Although there are areas for improvement in the schema, this is not the purpose of this exercise. The goal is only to have a relationalmodel with both 1-many and many-many relationships with referential integrity to be exposed as an OData REST service.
- The dvd table contains dvd titles.
- The partaker table contains actors and directors of the movies in the dvds
- dvd_partaker provides the relationship between partakers and dvds with capacity indicating actor or director
- The rest of the tables are simple 1-many lists (aka lookups)
Build and Start the WebHost project and use a Chrome browser to get the model metadata from http://localhost:52525/odata . (Responses are in JSON format. IE does not support displaying these out of the box.) Ideally the service should be tested with a REST Client. Chrome has excellent plug-ins for this like DHC and Postman.
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Dvds => All Dvds (page size = 200)
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Aspects => (All Aspects)
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Partakers?$top=5 => Top 5 Partakers
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Partakers?$filter=startswith(name,'Brancato') => Partakers name starting w/ Brancato
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Dvd_partakers?$filter=partaker_id%20eq%20197271 => Dvds for Partaker ID = 197271
- http://localhost:52525/odata/Dvds(98655)?$select=id,title&$expand=dvd_partakers($expand=partaker,capacity) => Dvd id=98655 w/ all Partakers expanded
(Most but not all features in the tutorials are enabled in this solution)