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Bare-metal IREE runtime for Kenning

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Antmicro

This repository contains a bare metal implementation of Runtime and UART Protocol for Kenning, tested with Renode.

The Runtime used in this implementation runs models compiled with the IREE framework. The Runtime communicates with Kenning via a UART-based Protocol. The Runtime is tested on the Springbok AI accelerator simulated with Renode.

Apart from bare-metal runtime implementation, this repository provides a demo that:

  • Compiles a neural network model (Magic Wand classifier or Person Detection classifier) using Kenning model optimization and deployment framework
  • Runs benchmarks on the compiled model in Renode, collecting model quality and performance statistics, including Renode profiling
  • Creates a report in MyST format, with interactive and regular PNG plots summarizing the whole execution, which can be either included in Sphinx-based docs or converted to HTML using Jupyter Book

This repository will also demonstrate:

  • How to setup Kenning to run Renode and collect profiler information
  • How to run Kenning and Renode independently (and how do they communicate)
  • How to test the runtime (with Robot framework testing and unit testing)


This is a minimal set of steps to run base demo scenario. Follow links in instructions to get an explanation for every step. In this section we will use prebuilt binaries. If you want to build the runtime yourself, please take a look at Building the project.

The fastest way to obtain all of the necessary dependencies is to pull the Docker image and run the container with all the dependencies for the project:

mkdir workspace && cd workspace
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data -w /data -it /bin/bash

From this point, you can either run scenario for optimizing and evaluating model on RISC-V accelerator without cloning this repository with:

kenning optimize test report \
    --json-cfg "gh://antmicro:kenning-bare-metal-iree-runtime/kenning-scenarios/renode-magic-wand-iree-bare-metal-inference-prebuilt.json;branch=main" \
    --measurements ./results.json \
    --report-types performance classification renode_stats \
    --report-path springbok-magic-wand/ \
    --report-name v-extensions-riscv \
    --model-names magic_wand_fp32 \
    --verbosity INFO \
    --to-html report-html

You can also clone a repository (either inside or outside the container):

git clone
cd kenning-bare-metal-iree-runtime

(please note that for development purposes described in Building the project a recursive clone is necessary)

After cloning the repository, we can run the same scenario using locally cloned file instead of a URL:

kenning optimize test report \
    --json-cfg kenning-scenarios/renode-magic-wand-iree-bare-metal-inference-prebuilt.json \
    --measurements ./results.json \
    --report-types performance classification renode_stats \
    --report-path springbok-magic-wand/ \
    --report-name v-extensions-riscv \
    --model-names magic_wand_fp32 \
    --verbosity INFO \
    --to-html report-html

The kenning optimize test report commands load the optimizanion scenario described in JSON format, evaluate the model and render the report with performance and quality metrics (including Renode performance metrics) in Markdown (./springbok-magic-wand/ and HTML.

The generated HTML report will be available under springbok-magic-wand/report/report.html in the created workspace directory.

The HTML report will contain such information as:

  • Scenario used to run the model,
  • Inference speed,
  • Used instructions during inference,
  • Used instructions from V Extensions,
  • Memory and interface accesses,
  • Model confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, and other quality metrics.

Building the project

This section describes how to prepare the development environment and build the project.

Using the Docker environment

The Docker environment with all the necessary components is available in Dockerfile. The built image can be pulled with:

docker pull

Installing the dependencies in the system

To be able to build the project, several dependencies need to be installed - cmake, git, ninja-build, python3, python3-pip, wget, mono-complete and xxd.

In Debian-based distros they can be installed with:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -qqy --no-install-recommends \
    ca-certificates \
    cmake \
    curl \
    fonts-lato \
    g++ \
    git \
    libncurses5 \
    mono-complete \
    ninja-build \
    python3 \
    python3-dev \
    python3-pip \
    python3-venv \
    python3-wheel \
    wget \

After installation, clone the repository with submodules and go to the created directory:

git clone --recursive
cd kenning-bare-metal-iree-runtime

The Python packages required to run below scripts are listed in requirements.txt. Before installing those, it is recommended to create a Python virtual environment. To create a virtual environment run the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv                       # create venv
source ./venv/bin/activate                 # activate it
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip       # install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

To install additional python packages required to run Kenning compilation, inference and report rendering, run the following command:

python3 -m pip install third-party/kenning[tensorflow,reports,uart,renode]

For installing IREE Python modules for compiling models in Kenning, either follow Building IREE from source instructions to build Python bindings from third-party/iree-rv32-springbok/third_party/iree/ directory, or install the available Python modules using pip:

python3 -m pip install iree-compiler~=20230209.425 iree-runtime~=20230209.425 iree-tools-tf~=20230209.425 iree-tools-tflite~=20230209.425

NOTE: Downloaded pip package and the binaries downloaded with third-party/iree-rv32-springbok/build_tools/ should match to avoid inconsistencies between iree-compiler for RISC-V and Python bindings.

Building the runtime

Before building the binary, download a pre-compiled RV32 LLVM toolchain and IREE compiler. To download it, scripts included in iree-rv32-springbok submodule located in third-party/iree-rv32-springbok/build_tools directory can be used. To do so, run the following commands in the project's root directory:

./third-party/iree-rv32-springbok/build_tools/ toolchain_backups/toolchain_iree_rv32_20220307.tar.gz

NOTE: recent toolchains require at least 2.33 glibc version. In case the glibc version in the system is older (this can be checked with ldd --version), the older version of the toolchain needs to be downloaded manually from (i.e. toolchain_backups/toolchain_iree_rv32_20220307.tar.gz).

For running the simulation, Renode can be downloaded with:


To configure CMake, run the build_tools/ script. It is possible to add CMake-specific arguments to this script, for example:

./build_tools/ -G Ninja

This script will initialize CMake in the build/build-riscv directory.

To build the runtime, run:

cmake --build build/build-riscv -j `nproc`

The runtime binary will be saved in build/build-riscv/iree-runtime directory.

Evaluating the model and accelerator in simulation

Kenning can evaluate a bare metal runtime using Renode - it allows the user to:

  • Check how the model would behave on actual hardware
  • Check the performance and quality of the model on simulated accelerator, to verify any issues with model compilation or accelerator runtime
  • Check the instructions used during inference to find out how the accelerator was utilized
  • Check the memory and interface accesses during runtime execution

The sample scenario evaluating the model on Springbok AI accelerator in Renode looks as follows:

    "dataset": {
        "type": "kenning.datasets.magic_wand_dataset.MagicWandDataset",
        "parameters": {
            "dataset_root": "./build/MagicWandDataset",
            "download_dataset": true
    "model_wrapper": {
        "type": "kenning.modelwrappers.classification.tflite_magic_wand.MagicWandModelWrapper",
        "parameters": {
            "model_path": "kenning:///models/classification/magic_wand.h5"
            "type": "kenning.optimizers.iree.IREECompiler",
                "compiled_model_path": "./build/tflite-magic-wand.vmfb",
                "backend": "llvm-cpu",
                "model_framework": "keras",
                "compiler_args": [
    "runtime": {
        "type": "kenning.runtimes.renode.RenodeRuntime",
        "parameters": {
            "runtime_binary_path": "build/build-riscv/iree-runtime/iree_runtime",
            "platform_resc_path": "sim/config/springbok.resc",
            "resc_dependencies": [
            "profiler_dump_path": "build/profiler.dump"
    "protocol": {
        "type": "kenning.protocols.uart.UARTProtocol",
        "parameters": {
            "port": "/tmp/uart",
            "baudrate": 115200,
            "endianness": "little"

The scenario can be found in kenning-scenarios/renode-magic-wand-iree-bare-metal-inference.json.

The model used for this demo is a simple neural network trained on the Magic Wand dataset for classifying gestures from accelerometer.

  • the dataset entry provides a class for managing the Magic Wand dataset (downloading the dataset, parsing data from files, and evaluating the model on Springbok by sending inputs and comparing outputs to ground truth)
  • the model_wrapper entry provides the model to optimize (a TensorFlow implementation of the model in H5 format), as well as model input and output specification, and model-specific preprocessing and postprocessing

The optimizers list here contains a single Optimizer instance, which is an IREE compiler. The IREE compiler optimizes and compiles the model to Virtual Machine Flat Buffer format (.vmfb), which will be later executed on minimal IREE virtual machine on bare metal in Springbok. The additional flags are provided to the IREE compiler, specifying the RISC-V target architecture, with V Extensions features to utilize vector computation acceleration present in the Springbok accelerator.

The runtime entry specifies the RenodeRuntime - it is a runtime that will take:

  • platform_resc_path - a Renode script (.resc file) creating the machine and declaring the UART communication on /tmp/uart.
  • runtime_binary_path - a path to a binary containing the runtime implementation running on platform created in .resc file.

The protocol entry specifies the communication parameters. The UART interface for Renode is created under /tmp/uart, hence port is set to this path. In addition, baudrate and endianness is specified.

Once the scenario is started:

  • Kenning loads the model with Keras and compiles it with IREE to ./build/magic-wand.vmfb
  • Kenning runs Renode, creates the machine with accelerator, and requests profiling of the application
  • Kenning establishes the connection via UART with the simulated Springbok platform
  • Kenning sends the compiled model in VMFB format to the device via UART
  • The bare-metal IREE runtime loads the model
  • Kenning sends the specification of model's inputs and outputs, the bare-metal runtime stores the information
  • Kenning sends the input data in loop, the bare metal runtime infers the data and sends results back to Kenning
  • Kenning evaluates the model, and Renode profiles the application
  • Kenning collects runtime metrics and stores evaluation and benchmark results in results.json
  • Kenning parses profiling results from Renode and adds them to benchmark results in results.json

The pyrenode3 module requires installing Renode to work. The easiest way is to use the latest Renode package and store its location in PYRENODE_PKG:

export PYRENODE_PKG=`pwd`/renode-latest.pkg.tar.xz

To evaluate the model, run:

kenning optimize test \
    --json-cfg kenning-scenarios/renode-magic-wand-iree-bare-metal-inference.json \
    --measurements ./results.json --verbosity INFO

To render the report with performance and quality metrics (including Renode performance metrics), run:

kenning report \
    --report-types performance classification renode_stats \
    --report-path springbok-magic-wand/ \
    --report-name v-extensions-riscv \
    --model-names magic_wand_fp32 \
    --measurements results.json \
    --verbosity INFO \
    --to-html report-html

This command:

  • Creates a springbok-magic-wand directory with the report
  • Creates plots and summaries regarding overall performance, classification quality and Renode profiler metrics, such as used instructions, memory accesses and more
  • Saves plots in springbok-magic-wand/img directory
  • Creates a MyST-based Markdown file with report summary
  • Creates an HTML version of the report built from the above MyST-based Markdown under report-html directory.

Running Kenning with existing Renode session.

To run the runtime on Springbok in Renode, use the prepared script as follows:


It will start the simulation, add Springbok and start the runtime.

In parallel to the simulation in Renode, Kenning can be started with the third-party/kenning/scripts/jsonconfigs/iree-bare-metal-inference.json scenario.

It only differs in the runtime section:

    "runtime": {
        "type": "kenning.runtimes.iree.IREERuntime",
        "parameters": {
            "driver": "local-task"

Instead of using Renode to run the bare metal application, Kenning assumes communication with the actual hardware and communicates via UART. In runtime, the default IREERuntime block is used to mark that IREE is used on target device.

kenning optimize test \
    --json-cfg third-party/kenning/scripts/jsonconfigs/iree-bare-metal-inference.json \
    --measurements ./results.json --verbosity INFO

This flow, however, won't collect inference information necessary to plot the performance metrics collected during Renode simulation.

Running tests

End-to-end test with Kenning

Kenning and Renode integration can also be verified using a Robot framework test. Firstly, install the dependencies for tests with:

python3 -m pip install -r build/renode/tests/requirements.txt

To run them you can use a custom cmake target renode-tests as follows:

cmake --build build/build-riscv --target renode-tests

They can also be executed directly with the following command:

./build/renode/renode-test renode-tests/test_runtime.robot --show-log -r renode-tests/results

Unit tests

The Ceedling framework was used for implementing unit tests. Ruby and Gem are necessary for this framework, for Debian-based distributions you can use:

sudo apt-get install -qqy --no-install-recommends ruby build-essential
sudo gem install ceedling

To run the tests you use custom cmake target unit-tests as follows:

cmake --build build/build-riscv --target unit-tests

Or run them directly with ceedling:

cd unit-tests
ceedling test:all