primitive is a Rust program that approximates images by drawing random lines.
Assuming you have Rust installed, run
cargo install primitive
Alternatively, you can run it from the source directory with
cargo run --release -- ...OPTIONS...
primitive -i sample/sample1_input.png -o sample/sample1_output.png -n 10000000 -l 10
primitive -i sample/sample2_input.png -o sample/sample2_output.png -n 1000000 -l 40 --min-angle 20 --max-angle 60
primitive 0.1.0
Anthony Nguyen <[email protected]>
primitive [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT_FILE> [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-i, --input <INPUT_FILE> Input filename
-n, --iterations <NUM_ITERS> Number of iterations to run [default: 1000000]
-l, --line-length <LINE_LENGTH> The length (in pixels) of the lines to draw [default: 25]
--max-angle <MAX_ANGLE> The maximum angle (in degrees) to generate [default: 360]
--min-angle <MIN_ANGLE> The minimum angle (in degrees) to generate [default: 0]
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE> Output filename
bench Runs in benchmark mode
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE
file for
more details.