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FIX: Modified return statement for sweep_around_axis and sweep_along_path so methods accept lists without creating error messages in AEDT. #2572

FIX: Modified return statement for sweep_around_axis and sweep_along_path so methods accept lists without creating error messages in AEDT.

FIX: Modified return statement for sweep_around_axis and sweep_along_path so methods accept lists without creating error messages in AEDT. #2572

Job Run time
1m 35s
1m 50s
1m 44s
2m 1s
1m 36s
2m 7s
1m 43s
1m 58s
1m 43s
2m 5s
5m 3s
7m 3s
4m 8s
5m 15s
4m 52s
5m 29s
4m 7s
3m 46s
4m 17s
4m 26s
14m 33s
1m 57s
13m 35s
39m 11s
47m 4s
37m 25s
3h 41m 54s