A Terraform Provider for Elastic.co products (Elasticsearch, Kibana, etc). Please test and provide feedback and examples of things that don't work. Most of these work along the lines of taking in a raw body output of a Kibana SavedObject. From their, we modify it with supplied variables which are typically the primary keys of index-patterns, visualizations, etc. Our goal is to one day be able to create objects without requiring a body at all.
go build
Mac/Linux instructions
mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins
cp terraform-provider-elastic ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
write me! (Fork, Edit, Pull Request)
After installing the provider...
cd example
docker-compose up
cd basic
terraform init && terraform apply
cd ../xpack # need to accept X-Pack Trial in Kibana
terraform init && terraform apply
You should have a few visualizations built off of the Elastic Shakespeare data. I tried to have an example of every resource in the example folder.
Provision a Kibana Space
resource "elastic_kibana_space" "engineering" {
space_id = "engineering"
name = "Engineering"
description = "Where Engineering Keeps Its Gold!"
initials = "pe"
Canvas API is undocumented, but this code does work against 6.6.1
resource "elastic_kibana_canvas" "engineering" {
canvas_id = "rer" # Your unique name for this canvas
name = "mah" # Display name for this canvas
space_id = "engineering" # Optional Space to use
contents = "${file("./canvas.json")}" # document exported from Kibana Web Console/API
Supported Types: timelion-sheet, index-pattern, search, visualization, dashboard
Use a template to modify a SavedSearch Attributes item. The attributes field should refence the attributes field inside of a saved_objects api Get request.
data "template_file" "timelion" {
template = <<EOF
"timelion_interval" : "auto",
"timelion_columns" : 2,
"timelion_chart_height" : 275,
"hits" : 0,
"description" : "",
"timelion_sheet" : [
"version" : 1,
"timelion_rows" : 2,
"title" : "$${title}"
vars {
title = "rar"
resource "elastic_kibana_saved_object" "test" {
attributes = "${data.template_file.timelion.rendered}"
saved_object_type = "timelion-sheet"
name = "awesome"
description = "w00t"
id saved_object_type title
More advanced Dashboards in Kibana have deep-link to dashboards within visualizations within the Dashboard. This creates a "chicken and the egg"/circular dependency where we need to know the dashboard id before it has been created.
In the previous example, you would remove the attributes field and could deploy it later in your terraform with this snippet:
resource "elastic_kibana_saved_object_content" "test" {
attributes = "${data.template_file.timelion.rendered}"
saved_object_type = "${elastic_kibana_saved_object.test.saved_object_type}"
saved_object_id = "${elastic_kibana_saved_object.test.id}"
- No Graph Support
- No ML Support