- Search
- Sort
- Math
- russian peasant
- towers of hanoi
- armstrong number
- euclid's gcd
- prime seive
- strong number
- factorial
- fibonacci sequence
- sum of digits
- fast exponentiation
- add binary numbers
- interval bisection
- lucas series
- numerical integration
- pernicious number
- catalan number
- moments
- primality check
- euler's totient
- gauss legendre
- gram schmidt process
- binomial coefficient
- perfect number
- basic
- average stream numbers
- babylonian method
- arithmetic on very large numbers
- automorphic numbers
- josepheus_problem
- fast pow
- Cryptography
- Geometry
- Greedy
- Graphs
- String search
- Cluster analysis
- Dynamic Programming
- Data structures
- Backtracking
- Synchronization