Led matrix which displays messages sent to a telegram chat bot .This is being made using python ,raspberry pi and ws2811 individually addressably led. This is a group project which is being developed by a group of students interested in robotics🙂.
- Implement the telegram bot using API
- Improve Interface for Telegram Chatbot
- Define Character Map
- Displaying of string in matrix
- Scrolling of string in matrix
- linking of LED matrix to the 2D array in code
- Guide everyone
- link files
- Guide everyone
- Write code and design interface for telegram chat bot
- Guide everyone
- Write code and design interface for telegram chat bot
- Implement Character mapping for letter A , B , C , 1
- Write code for compiling Character map arrays into dict
- Implemented Character mapping for letter D , E , F , J , K , L , 2 , 4
- Implement Character mapping for letter G , H , I , 3
- Implemented Character mapping for letter M , N , O , 5
- Implemented Character mapping for letter P , Q , R , 6
- Implemented Character mapping for letter S , T , U , 7
- Implemented Character mapping for letter V , W , X , 8
- Implemented Character mapping for letter Y , Z , ! , 9
To install all the neccessary requirements run the following commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note : This way is not recommended as all libraries would be installed globally.
Note : It is recommended to setup a virtual environment and then run the program.
py -m pip venv ./venv #creating virtual environment
venv\Scripts\activate #to activate the environment after creation
pip install -r requirements.txt # for installation of libraries
Run the main.py file using
python main.py
Note : A file by the name credentails.py must be placed inside the root directory of project. The contents of this file should be as shown below
bot_token = 'Your bot token'