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#Action! build status

Action! is a front end sub/pub based framework for event based development. No more passing around dependencies, no more worrying about timing. Events free you to build apps that function they way the real world does: cause and effect.

Need data? Ask for it. Need to do something with that data? Listen for when it is sent back to you and do it. Need to watch for the user to do something? Listen for it and react accordingly. Action! embraces the asynchronicity that is the world around us to create better front end experiences and code.

##Road Map So there are a variety of things that need to be completed for Action! to be ready for primetime. Some of them are basic (getting statemachine working), others are more complex (build tooling for troubleshooting event stacks). I am going to keep them here and make this a living document.

###TODOs before RC 0. make the destroy function silence all events registered by the object it is called on 0. dependency resolution integration with state machines 0. Figure out the testing side of event driven FED in Action 0. Revise the destroy function to make it really do what it needs to 0. Figure out how views really work... (

###TODOs generally 0. update documentation 0. example app 0. make the error output even prettier!

###Done 0. Tooling for troubleshooting events 0. Add events into the error handler 0. state machine support 0. Add emitter IDs to every time an event gets emitted for debugging work 0. Clone/ Deep Copy in the set functions 0. Build out the save function for models 0. ajax resolution/integration for models 0. Consider web components (considered... and moved on for now) 0. simplify model set function?

Release Names

We'll use these folks as release names:

in order from top left - down the column then on to the next column. If we run out we'll add more names to the list :-)

##Documentation This is really really loose and rudimentary, but it is now here. It will expand out over time. If you want more details about the API the tests, and code is probably your best bet.

###action.eventMe() This is a functional constructor that adds events to an object. It provides a global, and local, listener and emitter.

###action.modelMe() This is a functional constructor that creates a model object with private attributes (accessible through get() and set()), events, ajax, etc.

###action.routeMe() Route events and support for yoru application

###action.clone() A clone function that copies an object without preserving references

###action.compose() A function for composition with

###action.Error Error constructor prototype

###action.viewMe() The view constructor function for view objects... more to come

###Browser Support 0. IE 9+ 0. Chrome 0. Firefox 0. Opera?

###Dependencies There are a few dependencies for Action to be a fully useful framework. They are (with the reasons for them): 0. localForage (If you want to use the local cache. It will automatically cache all of your ajax GET requests in local storage and pull from them all subsequent times they are requested) 0. Handlebars, or compatible (a templating library)

##Changelog Can be found in the file... generated with: git log git describe --tags --abbrev=0..HEAD --pretty=format:" * %s" >

##Next Version Roadmap

v0.7.0 Adam Baldwin

  • break into commonjs components for more encasulated development and generate with brwoserify
  • expand testing
  • rework the view system to be peer updated and more powerful
  • revise routing and write routing tests
  • add a data:change event to compliment data:set and get events
  • more code modernization and updates

v0.8.0 Aaron Kwok