A news aggregation app that uses newsAPI, where each user is able to adjust their preferences (country, categories of interest).
Displays news from various sources and allows the user to search for keywords, filter by topic, and set favorite topics. When a user signs in, they will be able to set their following feeds and country.
POST /refreshNews - ex) http://localhost:8080/refreshNews?country=us
takes in country (only one) and updates the news for that country in the database
GET /newsToday - ex) http://localhost:8080/newsToday?country=us
takes in country (only one) and returns the news in the database
POST /UserPref/:email - ex) http://localhost:8080/UserPref/[email protected]
takes in an email and a json of categories and country creates or updates database. Requires authentication.
GET /UserPref/:email - ex) http://localhost:8080/UserPref/[email protected]
takes in an email and returns the preferences associated with that email. Requires authentication.
Go to the settings tab and sign in. Then, choose your country and categories. Go to Home and Following and enjoy!
Group Members: Annabel Lin (all273), Justin Hsu (jah574)
Github: https://github.com/annabel48lin/news-app
Deployed Link: http://news-stop.herokuapp.com/