Platform independent language supporting oop
- Portability (WORA)[Write Once Run Anywhere]
Java Virtual Machine, abstract machine, doesn't exist physically. It's platform dependent. JVM has JIT(Just In Time) compiler, it will take byte code and generate the machine code.
ByteCode -> .class extension
It has JVM and class libraries
| class Libraries |
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| | JVM | |
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- programming languages
- compiler (javac) -> .class
- debugger
JDK = JRE + PL + Compiler + Debugger
All three JVM JDK and JRE are platform dependent
JEE (Java/Jakarta Enterprise Edition) -> JSE + APIs like Transactional API, rollback, commit, servelets, JSP used in ecommerce, etc.
- filename = classname
- 1 file can have only one public class