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feat(lib/googledrive-extractor): (hopefully) improve extraction
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Secozzi committed Oct 7, 2023
1 parent e00a845 commit d1981a2
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 73 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,119 +4,144 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.animesource.model.Video
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.asJsoup
import okhttp3.Cookie
import okhttp3.CookieJar
import okhttp3.Headers
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl
import okhttp3.FormBody
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.internal.commonEmptyRequestBody

class GoogleDriveExtractor(private val client: OkHttpClient, private val headers: Headers) {

companion object {
private const val GOOGLE_DRIVE_HOST = ""
private const val ACCEPT = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml," +
private const val ACCEPT = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"

private val noRedirectClient by lazy {
private val cookieList = client.cookieJar.loadForRequest("".toHttpUrl())

// Default / headers for most requests
private fun headersBuilder(block: Headers.Builder.() -> Unit) = headers.newBuilder()
.set("Accept", ACCEPT)
.set("Connection", "keep-alive")
.set("Origin", "https://$GOOGLE_DRIVE_HOST")
.set("Referer", "https://$GOOGLE_DRIVE_HOST/")
.apply { block() }
private val noRedirectClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()

// Needs to be the form of ``
fun videosFromUrl(itemUrl: String, videoName: String = "Video"): List<Video> {
val itemHeaders = headersBuilder {
set("Accept", "*/*")
set("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5")
add("Cookie", getCookie(itemUrl))
val cookieJar = GDriveCookieJar()

val documentResp = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(itemUrl, itemHeaders)
cookieJar.saveFromResponse("".toHttpUrl(), cookieList)

if (documentResp.isRedirect) {
val newUrl = documentResp.use { it.headers["location"] }
?: return listOf(Video(itemUrl, videoName, itemUrl, itemHeaders))
val docHeaders = headers.newBuilder().apply {
add("Accept", ACCEPT)
add("Connection", "keep-alive")
add("Cookie", cookieList.toStr())
add("Host", "")

return videoFromRedirect(newUrl, itemUrl, videoName)
val docResp = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(itemUrl, headers = docHeaders)

if (docResp.isRedirect) {
return videoFromRedirect(itemUrl, videoName, "", cookieJar)

val document = documentResp.use { it.asJsoup() }
val document = docResp.use { it.asJsoup() }

val itemSize = document.selectFirst("span.uc-name-size")
?.let { " ${it.ownText().trim()} " }
?: ""

val url = document.selectFirst("form#download-form")?.attr("action") ?: return emptyList()
val redirectHeaders = headersBuilder {
add("Cookie", getCookie(url))
set("Referer", url.substringBeforeLast("&at="))
val downloadUrl = document.selectFirst("form#download-form")?.attr("action") ?: return emptyList()
val postHeaders = headers.newBuilder().apply {
add("Accept", ACCEPT)
add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
set("Cookie", client.cookieJar.loadForRequest("".toHttpUrl()).toStr())
add("Host", "")
add("Referer", "")

val response = noRedirectClient.newCall(
POST(url, redirectHeaders, body = FormBody.Builder().build()),

val redirected = response.use { it.headers["location"] }
?: return listOf(Video(url, videoName + itemSize, url))
val newUrl = noRedirectClient.newCall(
POST(downloadUrl, headers = postHeaders, body = commonEmptyRequestBody)
).execute().use { it.headers["location"] ?: downloadUrl }

return videoFromRedirect(redirected, url, videoName, itemSize)
return videoFromRedirect(newUrl, videoName, itemSize, cookieJar)

private fun videoFromRedirect(
redirected: String,
fallbackUrl: String,
downloadUrl: String,
videoName: String,
itemSize: String = ""
itemSize: String,
cookieJar: GDriveCookieJar
): List<Video> {
val redirectedHeaders = headersBuilder {
set("Host", redirected.toHttpUrl().host)
var newUrl = downloadUrl

val redirectedResponseHeaders = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(redirected, redirectedHeaders),
).execute().use { it.headers }
val newHeaders = headers.newBuilder().apply {
add("Accept", ACCEPT)
set("Cookie", cookieJar.loadForRequest(newUrl.toHttpUrl()).toStr())
set("Host", newUrl.toHttpUrl().host)
add("Referer", "")

val authCookie = redirectedResponseHeaders.firstOrNull {
it.first == "set-cookie" && it.second.startsWith("AUTH_")
}?.second?.substringBefore(";") ?: return listOf(Video(fallbackUrl, videoName + itemSize, fallbackUrl))

val newRedirected = redirectedResponseHeaders["location"]
?: return listOf(Video(redirected, videoName + itemSize, redirected))
var newResp = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(newUrl, headers = newHeaders)

val googleDriveRedirectHeaders = headersBuilder {
add("Cookie", getCookie(newRedirected))
var redirectCounter = 1
while (newResp.isRedirect && redirectCounter < 15) {
val setCookies = newResp.headers("Set-Cookie").mapNotNull { Cookie.parse(newResp.request.url, it) }
cookieJar.saveFromResponse(newResp.request.url, setCookies)

newUrl = newResp.headers["location"]!!

val newHeaders = headers.newBuilder().apply {
add("Accept", ACCEPT)
set("Cookie", cookieJar.loadForRequest(newUrl.toHttpUrl()).toStr())
set("Host", newUrl.toHttpUrl().host)
add("Referer", "")

newResp = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(newUrl, headers = newHeaders)
redirectCounter += 1

val googleDriveRedirectUrl = noRedirectClient.newCall(
GET(newRedirected, googleDriveRedirectHeaders),
).execute().use { it.headers["location"]!! }
val videoUrl = newResp.use { it.request.url }

val videoHeaders = headersBuilder {
add("Cookie", authCookie)
set("Host", googleDriveRedirectUrl.toHttpUrl().host)
val videoHeaders = headers.newBuilder().apply {
add("Accept", ACCEPT)
set("Cookie", cookieJar.loadForRequest(videoUrl).toStr())
add("Referer", "")

return listOf(
Video(googleDriveRedirectUrl, videoName + itemSize, googleDriveRedirectUrl, headers = videoHeaders),
videoName + itemSize,
headers = videoHeaders

private fun getCookie(url: String): String {
val cookieList = client.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl())
return if (cookieList.isNotEmpty()) {
cookieList.joinToString("; ") { "${}=${it.value}" }
} else {
private fun List<Cookie>.toStr(): String {
return this.joinToString("; ") { "${}=${it.value}" }

class GDriveCookieJar : CookieJar {

private val cookieStore = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<Cookie>>()

// Append rather than overwrite, what could go wrong?
override fun saveFromResponse(url: HttpUrl, cookies: List<Cookie>) {
cookieStore[] = ((cookieStore[] ?: emptyList()) + cookies).toMutableList()

override fun loadForRequest(url: HttpUrl): List<Cookie> {
val cookies = cookieStore[] ?: emptyList()

return cookies.filter { it.expiresAt >= System.currentTimeMillis() }

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