Fluentd plugin for dropping records by timestamp
Copy plugin to fluentd plagins dir
cp lib/fluent/plugin/fluentd_plugin_drop_by_timestamp.rb /etc/fluent/plugin/
Define filter in fluent.conf
<filter **_default_** **_kube-*_** **_openshift-*_** **_openshift_** journal.** system.var.log** **.openshift_** **.openshift-*_** **.default_** **.kube-*_**>
@type drop_by_timestamp
timestamp_ttl_sec 86400 # drop records older than 24h
timestamp_field "@timestamp"
- add tests
- publish on rubygems.org
FluentD Plugin - Drop By Timestamp is licenced under the Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.