EFI for mojave 10.14.4
- Download original dmg source:
- Mojave 10.14.5: https://www.fshare.vn/file/5ASUNCJF8LYV?token=1563895440 using this password:
- Mojave 10.14.4: https://www.fshare.vn/file/ZPB5HQYEQ9QQ?token=1563896203
- Download UniBeast 9.2.0
- Build bootable usb using Unibeast. Must be 8GBs or more
- Install macos from usb. Might need to disable Injecting Intel graphic (Clover options)
- When setup complete and logged in to your mac, download Clover configuration
- Mount EFI forder using Clover and just replace it with EFI folder in this repo
- Restart your hackintosh and it just works: Ethernet, Intel 4600, Sound, Sleep, Restart, Shutdown but not NVIDIA
- Multibeast for post install https://www.tonymacx86.com/resources/multibeast-11-3-0-mojave.430/