"Do it messy than do nothing at all"
Note: click to see more details
🧑🏻🏫 I'm a Data Analytics Instructor
- Working at COOP Careers, with its mission in overcoming underemployment through digital skills and peer connections
- Facilitating workshops on the following:
- Python
- Tableau
- Advanced Excel
- Professional Networking
🎓 I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Graduated in the University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines
- Main Coursework:
- Software Engineering
- Database Management
- Computer Networks
📱 I post and edit Instagram Reels for fun
- click the title to see details of each project
- click the link to direct to the repository
[LINK] fps-interactive-whiteboard (2016)
- Description: An interactive learning platform on a Windows Environment acquiring 100% accuracy on body movement and color tracking using Microsoft Kinect and C++
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Classification: Thesis | Capstone (Group of 4)
- Role: Main Developer | Team Leader
- Sub Project: rgb-led-flashlights (2015)
- Description: Built two customized flashlight by encoding the C program in an 8 bit Atmel IC to produce the designed output of the circuit
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
[LINK] attendance-monitoring-system-for-the-faculty-of-ust-iics (2014)
- Description: A process re-engineering project for the attendance system using Java and MySQL
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Classification: Client Facing (Group of 4)
- Role: Project Manager
Note: project documentation only
[LINK] my-portoflio-website (2023)
- Description: Designed a responsive and animated site using HTML, vanilla CSS with Flexbox and JavaScript
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Classification: Personal Project
- Demo Link: www.angeloparayno.com
[LINK] meta-coursera-html-css-portfolio-assignment (2023)
- Description: Designed a mobile responsive, static one page site using HTML, vanilla CSS with Flexbox
- Complexity: ⭐️
- Classification: Module Assignment
- Demo Link: [via GitHub Pages]
[LINK] elderyly-facility-app-prototype (2023)
- Description:
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Classification:
- Role: UI/UX Researcher
[LINK] simple-animation-using-java (2015)
- Description: A simple animation of an Anime character using pure Java with JFrame
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Demo Link: [via LinkedIn]
[LINK] asm-codes (2012)
- Description: A list of simple Assembly (ASM) programs
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️
- Demo Link: [via LinkedIn]
[LINK] bisa-wellness (2022)
- Description: Analyzed social media data and provided digital marketing strategies aimed to solidify a successful product launch and market an eco-friendly and sustainable product, supplementing its current social media presence and business using Meta, Business Suit, Tableau and Excel
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Classification Client Facing (Group of 17)
- Role: Project Manager | Social Media Analyst
[LINK] 2021-nyc-youth-crime-rate (2022)
- Description: Analyzed 2021 NYC Crime Rate through 150,000+ rows of data and correlated external studies on a mission of decreasing recidivism among the incarcerated youths (aged 25 & below) using Python, Tableau and Excel
- Complexity: ⭐️⭐️
- Classification: Case Study (Group of 5)
- Role: Gender Demographics Analyst
[LINK] lego-media-plan (2023)
- Description: Created an annual budget allocation media plan in strategizing resource allocation through analyzation of the working marketing strategies and capitalizing the social media trends
- Complexity: ⭐️
- Classification: Case Study for Kepler
- Role: Media Planner
[PROFILE LINK] - Tableau
🔗 [PROFILE LINK] - Coursera
📖 I pick additional studies mostly through Coursera as they've a detailed and structured course of material that covers the fundamentals and layout the foundations for learning
Note: (click to see more details)
[ON PROCESS] - Meta Front-End Development Professional Certificate
[COMPLETED] - Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
- ✅ Foundations Data, Data, Everywhere
- ✅ Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
- ✅ Prepare Data for Exploration
- ✅ Process Data from Dirty to Clean
- ✅ Analyze Data to Answer Questions
- ✅ Share Data Through the Art of Visualization
- ✅ Data Analysis with R Programming
- ✅ Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study
Individual Courses
"Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back"