Best.Enegry Eniscope Analytic API access framework, which defines EniscopeAPIClient class with such functions as
API Authenticaton. Uses Fernet library for secure storage of user credentials in eniscope_api.conf. require with the following lines:
encryption_key = b"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
api_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
base GET and Option requests
API user details request
get organizations list
get list of data channels belong to organization
get channel historical data (aka readings) for specific channel, date range, list fo metering parameters and resolution
get multiple channels and data ranges fo historical data simultaniously. Realy on ThreadPoolExecutor and http pooling for better performance.
get list of alarms related to arganization and their settings (rules and periods)
get alarm event list for requested organizations and data ranges
eniscopedata is a set of support classes and function to simplify work with some Eniscope specific data configurations e.g alarms etc.