This plugin automatically adds automatic password hashing to your Objection.js models. This makes it super-easy to secure passwords and other sensitive data.
Under the hood, the plugin uses bcrypt for hashing.
npm i objection-password
yarn add objection-password
// import the plugin
const Password = require('objection-password')();
const Model = require('objection').Model;
// mixin the plugin
class Person extends Password(Model) {
static get tableName() {
return 'person';
const person = await Person.query().insert({
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'q1w2e3r4'
// $2a$12$sWSdI13BJ5ipPca/f8KTF.k4eFKsUtobfWdTBoQdj9g9I8JfLmZty
// the password to verify
const password = 'q1w2e3r4';
// fetch the person by email
const person =
await Person.query().first().where({ email: '[email protected]'});
// verify the password is correct
const passwordValid = await person.verifyPassword(password);
There are a few options you can pass to customize the way the plugin works.
These options can be added when instantiating the plugin. For example:
// import the plugin
const Password = require('objection-password')({
passwordField: 'hash'
Allows an empty password to be set.
Allows you to override the name of the field to be hashed.
The number of number of bcrypt rounds to use when hashing the data.