Starting a small business can be incredibly daunting and the pressure of finding funding can feel daunting. LaunchPad is a funding website for small businesses to post items they are in need and donors can contribute to. Each business can create it's own profile and track the progress of funding for each item. When an item is funded, the business receives that amount. Donors can also choose to buy the item directly from a site linked by the business.
The application is deployed on Heroku: Launch Pad Live Site
npm install
When a user first visits the site, they will see a homepage populated with business that are looking for funding for items.
Users can choose to visit a particular business and see the items they have posted for funding
When an item is clicked on, the user will see the progress of funding as well as details for the item.
In order to donate to a business, a user must create an account.
Users can customize their profiles once they have created their account. Users will be able to see the projects that they have contributed to.
Users have the option to create a business profile where they can add information about the business as well as add items for the business that will look for funding.
Please feel free to contribute to this project.
Currently no tests
Please report errors to [email protected]
MIT License
For any questions regarding this project, please send correspondence to [email protected].
Created By:
- Alec Carter acarter867,
- Andy Kleindienst andykb9b13,
- Joshua McKelvey jmckelvey786,
- Taylor Stallings mtstall,
- Lashawn Wanamaker Wanamaker919,
- Michael Weiss veis1337,