Personal emacs config
Switching in OSX to use doom-emacs. I followed this installation steps: (installed emacs-mac)
If having issues with fonts, just run M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
- Before you can use the .emacs, you need to install SBCL and quicklisp. In order to do so, run: 1.1. brew install sbcl 1.2. Tutorial 1.3. After running the basic installation, run: 1.3.1. (ql:add-to-init-file) 1.3.2 (ql:quickload "quicklisp-slime-helper")
- Open Emacs and run: M-x package-refresh-contents
- M-x package-install RET dracula-theme
- M-x package-install RET powerline
- Remember to install elpy python libraries as explained here
- Take a look at