for installation, add the folder to the Matlab path
useful files to run:
simulation3D.m - script for simulation of a clustered data with following processing
Vor3Dprocessing.m - script for processing of experimental data (can be adapted for your datasets)
example dataset:
H2Btruncated.ascii - histone H2B in a HeLa cell; the dataset was corrected for drift and for consecutive localizations of same fluorophores
Andronov L., Michalon J., Ouararhni K., Orlov I., Hamiche A., Vonesch J-L, Klaholz B.P. 3DClusterViSu: 3D clustering analysis of super-resolution microscopy data by 3D Voronoi tessellations. Bioinformatics 34 (2018)
Andronov, L., Lutz, Y., Vonesch, J.-L. & Klaholz, B. P. SharpViSu: integrated analysis and segmentation of super-resolution microscopy data. Bioinformatics (2016)
Andronov, L., Orlov, I., Lutz, Y., Vonesch, J.-L. & Klaholz, B. P. ClusterViSu, a method for clustering of protein complexes by Voronoi tessellation in super-resolution microscopy. Scientific Reports 6, 24084 (2016)