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Build Problems and Solutions

Caleb Morris edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 1 revision

Build error:
undefined symbol 'ebur128_true_peak'

The library eburl128 is building with the source for the function ebur128_true_peak not included. Libeburl128 has used the library SpeexDSP to build several function for a while (2+ years). If either the SpeexDSP isn't available or CMake is unable to find it, several of the functions are not included with the build (eburl128_true_peak being one).

Install SpeexDSP: I recommend using your package manager as it is available in both Ubuntu and Debian Stable. If this error persists with speexDSP installed, CMake most likely cannot find it.
If the problem persists you may not have pkg-config installed. LibEburl128 heavily relies on pkg-config for finding speexDSP. Installing pkg-config allowed cmake to find it and thus built correctly.

Side Note: To check if the method is being included in the .so run the steps to build eburl128 and from the build directory run nm -g | grep "true_peak".

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