Make sure you have an account setup at
Update ./constants.js with your apiLoginKey, TransactionKey, and public key
This is located Account > Settings > API Credentials & Keys
You will be unable to find your Transaction key, however you can generate a new one. It is located under your API key at Account > Settings > API Credentials & Keys
your public key can be located at Account > Settings > Manage Public Client Key
the application is composed of two parts, and Angular application (as the core app) and a node endpoint (which is located un the ./endpoint_src folder);
If you want to see how your endpoint can submit a nonce to check out ./endpoint_src/processPayments.js
If you would like to see how to create a nonce check out ./src/app/forms/cc.component.ts
you can kick off both services (angular and endpoint) by running npm start
If you want to see your transaction on transaction log Transaction search > Unsettled Transactions
you will need to enable 'live' mode Account > Settings > Test Mode
To test a failed transactions you must enable live move.
don't be like me - don't publish your private / transaction key!!!