This is a fork of, rearchitected to support manual IP addresses, choice of sensors and identification of thermostats when they are turned on after HA has started.
As this has moved to IP addresses rather than broadcast discovery you will need a fixed IP address on your thermostat and re-add it when changing to this integration.
If you are using the pdw-mb HACS version you should uninstall it first and remove the repository from HACS to avoid confusion. If you see two then select the one with the description starting with fork.
Restart Home Assistant
In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "T-Smart Thermostat".
Show detailed instructions
Installation via HACS is recommended, but a manual setup is supported.
- Manually copy custom_components/t_smart folder from latest release to custom_components folder in your config folder.
- Restart Home Assistant.
- In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "T-Smart Thermostat"
After restarting Home Assistant:
Go to Settings -> Devices & services -> Add Integration.
Find "T-Smart Thermostat" and click on it.
Click "OK" and any thermostats on your network should be discovered, or you can manually enter their IP address if not found.
Thermostats must have a fixed IP address to avoid re-discovery. -
If your change the IP address of your thermostat you will have to modify this in the integration by going into settings/configure.
By default the integration takes the average of both sensors within the thermostats, this can be changed by going into settings, configuring the thermostat and choosing a different temperature mode. For vertical thermostats the High setting will match the display and the app.