v2.0.0 > Up to date with Readability.js again + docker containers
Hello everyone,
Guess you weren't expecting a new release of your favorite dependency written in the wrong language, huh!?
We are up-to-date with the JS version as of 19 Nov 2018 which includes the following changes:
- Move phrasing contents into paragraphs
- Improved the title detection
- Remove single cell tables
- Improved the detection of video related elements
- New test cases
- Various minor fixes
The following changes were also added:
- Clean tags during prepArticle().
- Merged PR #58: Fix notice non-object on $parentOfTopCandidate for tumblr.com
- Fixed issue #63: Division by zero
- Housekeeping:
- Removed $parseSuccessful flag that wasn't needed anymore
- Rename wordThreshold to charThreshold and throw deprecation notices. WordThreshold will be removed in version 3.0.
- Added "-ad-" as unlikely candidate
And finally a docker container was added so you can easily test in all the supported PHP versions by simply typing make test-all
in your console. You'll need docker and docker-compose if you want to see some really flashy stuff in your console and not just a silly error message.
If for some reason you're still reading this, you might be wondering why this version is 2.0 and not 1.3.something. I know you do. I know you're making a confused face right now.
The reason is that PHP 5.6 support is GONE.
So make sure you run this code in a somewhat modern version of PHP. A version that starts with 7.
That's it. Take care. Call your mother.