You do not have to clone this project, you can just copy the essential files and install everything as described below:
- Copy gulpfile.babel.js and .babelrc to the project/theme directory
- Set up NPM by typing 'npm init' in the terminal and following the setup instructions (default settings are fine)
- Install NPM and packages: npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-concat gulp-uglify gulp-rename gulp-babel gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer gulp-clean-css
- In gulpfile.babel.js, if necessary, change files.scripts to equal an array of your JS files and change files.styles equal an array of your SASS/SCSS files
- Run 'gulp' in terminal, files should be created in the assets/dist folder
If you want to compile vendor files as a separate task, use the code from gulpfile.babel.extended.js
Note: Version 2 is currently under development and will provide wrapper functions and a simple CLI to simplify setup
Change log
- 1.0.0-alpha.2:
- Breaking changes: files moved out of settings object and into files object.
- Since this is 'simple-gulp-setup', the setup to compile vendor files as a separate task is moved out of the default gulpfile.babel.js and into gulpfile.babel.extended.js, as explained above
- Sometimes issues compiling JavaScript vendor files from node_files when using vendor files via gulpfile.babel.extended.js