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Command Line Option Changes

Daejun Park edited this page Oct 7, 2013 · 8 revisions

The command line options for kompile, krun, kast and ktest have significantly changed from the version 'jenkins-k-framework-git-359'. A list of changes is as follows:


Old options New options
-addTopCell --add-top-cell
-c,--compile Removed
-check <arg> Removed
-def,--definition <arg> Removed
-doc,--documentation Removed
-fastKast --fast-kast
-h,--help Same
-html --backend html
-k,--kcells <arg> --kcells <string>
-kexp Removed
-l,--lang <arg> --main-module <string>
-latex --backend latex
-lib <arg> Same
-loud Same (To be removed)
-m,--maudify Removed
-ml,--matching-logic --backend java
-nofile,--nofilename Removed
-nosmt Removed
-o,--output <arg> -d,--directory <dir>
-pdf --backend pdf
-smt --smt <[z3 none]>
-sortCells --sort-cells
-step,--step <arg> --step <string>
-style <arg> --doc-style <string/file>
-supercool <arg> Same
-superheat <arg> Same
-symbolic --backend symbolic
-symeq,--symbolic-equality Removed
-synmod,--syntax-module <arg> --syntax-module <string>
-transition <arg> Same
-unparse --backend unparse
-v,--verbose Same
-version Same
-w,--warnings <arg> Same
-xml Removed


Old options New options
-h,--help Same
-? Removed
-v,--version --version
-verbose -v,--verbose
-fastKast --fast-kast
--pgm <FILE> Removed
--k-definition <FILE> Removed
--main-module <STRING> Same
--syntax-module <STRING> Same
--parser <STRING> Same
--cfg-parser <STRING> --config-var-parser <string>
--io --io <[on off]>
--no-io Removed
--statistics --statistics <[on off]>
--no-statistics Removed
--color --color <[on off]>
--no-color Removed
--parens --parens <[greedy smart]>
--no-parens Removed
--term <STRING> Same
--compiled-def <FILE> -d,--directory <dir>
--do-search Removed
--no-do-search Removed
--maude-cmd <STRING> Same (To be changed)
--pattern <STRING> Same
--bound <STRING> Same
--depth <STRING> Same
--graph Same
--output-mode <STRING> Same (To be changed)
--log-io --log-io <[on off]>
--no-log-io Removed
--output <FILE> Same (To be changed)
--search Same
--search-final Same
--search-all Same
--search-one-step Same
--search-one-or-more-steps Same
--config --output_mode pretty
--no-config Removed
--deleteTempDir Removed
--no-deleteTempDir Removed
--trace Same
--profile Same
--debug Same
--debug-gui Same
--ltlmc <FILE/STRING> Same
-c <name=value> -c,--config-var <name=value>
--backend <STRING> Same (To be removed)
--prove <FILE> Same
--smt <arg> Same
--generate-tests Same


Old options New options
-auxtabsize <arg> --aux-tabsize <num>
-binaryParser <arg> --parser binary (To be changed)
--compiled-def <arg> -d,--directory <dir>
-e,--expression <arg> Same
-fastKast --fast-kast
-groundParser --parser ground
-h,--help Same
--k-definition <arg> Removed
-maxwidth <arg> Same
-nextline Same
-nofile,--nofilename Removed
-pgm,--program <arg> Removed
-pretty Same
-ruleParser --parser rule
-sort <arg> Same
-tabsize <arg> Same
-v,--verbose Same
-version Same


Old options New options
-config <arg> Same
-def,--definition <arg> -d,--definition <file/dir>
-exclude <arg> Same
-extensions <arg> Same
-h,--help Same
-programs <arg> Same
-results <arg> Same
-skip <arg> Same
-threads <arg> Same
-v,--verbose Same
-version Same
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