This repository contains Terraform code that automate the provisioning of a GKE cluster and associated resources on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
The primary components include:
- Private GKE Cluster with Public Endpoint and Workload Identity enabled.
- Google Artifact Registry (GAR):
- A Docker and Helm chart registry that integrates with Github Actions Pipeline for a demo app.
- Authentication to GAR from the Github Actions Runner is done via Workload Identity Federation
- Certificate Authority Service (used by cert-manager to manage certifictes)
- Firewall Rules: Network rules that enable specific traffic patterns, including internet access from private nodes, Istio auto-injection, and SSH connectivity for debugging.
- GKE Workload Identity enabled and used by a Kubernetes workload to impersonate an IAM Service Account and access secrets in Google Secrets Manager
Note: The firewall rules to enable internet access from private nodes and SSH connectivity are primarily for testing and debugging. Avoid enabling these rules in a production environment.
Before using the scripts in this repository, make sure you have the following tools installed:
- gcloud CLI: Used to interact with Google Cloud resources.
- Google Cloud Console Account: Access to a GCP account and project where the resources will be provisioned.
- Docker Compose: Terraform will run in a container.
- Make: A build automation tool used to manage the terraform workflow.
Since Terraform runs inside a Docker container, you don't need to install it on your machine.
# Set your GCP project env vars
export GCP_PROJECT=<yourGcpProjectNameGoesHere>
export GCP_EMAIL=<yourAccountNameGoesHere>
export GCP_REGION=<yourGcpRegionGoesHere>
# Initialize and authenticate gcloud CLI
# (follow the prompt to authenticate in your browser)
gcloud auth login $GCP_EMAIL
# Run script
This repository uses Terraform version 1.2.5:
make verify_version
Update the .env file in your directory with your GCP project details and the location of your service account key.
- Create GCP bucket for storing terraform state files
# create terraform bucket for storing tf state docker-compose run terraform -chdir=tf_bucket init docker-compose run terraform -chdir=tf_bucket apply -auto-approve
Note: Once you have created your Terraform state bucket, update the bucket name variable (TFSTATE_BUCKET) in the Makefile.
Create GKE cluster
# create K8s cluster (GKE) make plan TF_TARGET=gke_cluster make deploy-auto-approve TF_TARGET=gke_cluster # configure kubectl profile gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GCP_PROJECT}-gke --region $GCP_REGION --project $GCP_PROJECT kubectl cluster-info
Create other infrastructure
# create secret in Google Secrets and allow GKE workload SA default/mypod to impersonate IAM SA and access the secret # create Google Artifact Registry (GAR) and configure external auth via Workload Identity Federation make deploy-auto-approve TF_TARGET=other_stuff
# destroy terraform resources
make destroy-auto-approve TF_TARGET=other_stuff
make destroy-auto-approve TF_TARGET=gke_cluster
# destroy terraform state bucket
docker-compose run terraform -chdir=tf_bucket destroy -auto-approve
# clean tf related files (local state, lock, cache)
make clean TF_TARGET=tf_bucket
make clean TF_TARGET=gke_cluster
make clean TF_TARGET=other_stuff
- cert-manager (automatically manage certificates lifecycle)
- kube-prometheus-stack (monitoring)
- secrets-store-csi-driver
- istio service mesh
- other apps
Follow steps here.