This is an example TicTacToe Smart-Contract Application, running fully decentralized on Kovan. As part of a Gnosis Company Developer Challenge.
Created by Andre Meyer and David Sato
- Event Listening
- React 16 Frontend
- CSS-Modules
- React HoC
- Eventlistener API
- Sometimes Metamask forgets about Event Logging (metamask-extension/#2393), if this happen the application will stop updating automatically and you need to refresh your browserpage after every turn (and your opponents turn). To fix this, restart your browser completely. If you're prompted to enter a password for metamask again, you did it right.
- Starting a game is very expensive 🙈
Play on
Clone this repositry, npm install
, npm run migrate
Requires Metamask, Mist or any other Web3.js compatible Wallet. Works locally with TestRPC or Ganache.
Install either Ganache(-cli)
npm i ganache-cli -g
or the old TestRPC
npm i ethereum-testrpc -g
Run in deterministic mode: ganache-cli -d
or testrpc -d
Disable any web3 provider, to fallback to http://localhost:8545
(default ganache-cli port)