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Brian Carbonette edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 1 revision

The Anduino shield comes equipped with a 1.8" ST7735 driven LCD display and corresponding library to aid in the utilization of the optional display. The Anduino shield connects the LCD directly to the Arduino's ICSP SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface) header. Some stats at a glance...

  •  160x128 pixels Landscape or Portrait orientation supported
  •  12/16/18-bit RGB Color depth
  •  LED Backlight
  •  Optional SPI SD Card reader (header not wired by default)

Installing the library includes some common operations and commands typically used when interacting with an LCD display. The AnduinoLCD library extends Adafruit's extensive GFX and ST7735 libraries which make it easy for you to start printing text or drawing shapes upon including this library. Check out those links for Adafruit's really well documented Graphics Guide and additional LCD tests or examples. In addition to the display primitives extended by these libraries we provide...

In your sketch be sure to include the LCD Library by adding

     #include "AnduinoLCD.h"

to the top of your sketch as well as

     AnduinoLCD LCD = AnduinoLCD(ST7735_CS_PIN, ST7735_DC_PIN, PERIPH_RST_PIN);

to properly create your LCD object and initialize the display.

To get started quickly, check out the example sketches available by navigating to the Arduino IDE toolbar, select File>>Examples>>AnduinoLCD.


  •  Screen is initialized (SPI pins set during constructor and are assigned for you via Anduino library) 
  •  Backlight set OFF by default
  •  Screen set to landscape mode

setBacklight(BACKLIGHT_STATE state)

  •  Pass ON or OFF to set the backlight accordingly      
LCD.setBacklight(ON); //turns on LED backlight for LCD display

screenPrint(char* message, int x, int y)

  • This prints text to the screen at coordinates (x,y) 
  • Pass your message along as a char array or even drop the string right in as an argument as if you were using Serial.print()
LCD.screenPrint("Print some text under the banner", 0, 50); 

waveform(uint8_t analogPin, uint8_t px)

  • Displays a graphical representation of readings from an analogPin
  • Check out the example sketch 'waveform' to see this in action
LCD.waveform(sensorPin, pxInc);

digitalGauge(uint8_t analogPin)

  •  Takes an analog pin as an argument and displays the value read through the ADC
  •  Default ADC is 10-bit (0-1023) although Arduino Due is capable of 12-bit resolution (0-4095) via [analogReadResolution()](
  •  Examples>>AnduinoLCD>>digitalGauge to try this out
  LCD.digitalGauge(A1);  //Take an analogRead on pin A1 and display on the LCD


  •  Example compilation of library functions used to create an Andium logo startup splash screen.
  •  Utilizes showGimpImage(), fillTriangle(), drawCircle(), a fillCircle() loop that creates the growing circle
  LCD.splashScreen();   //load Andium splash screen

showGimpImage(gimpImage* image)

  • Parses a GIMP Image file and draws the image pixel-by-pixel on the display via drawPixel(int x, int y, uint16_t pixel)
  • 160x128 is full screen
  • 160x36 for a banner sized image
  • supports 16-bit RGB ~41Kb to store a fullscreen image


  • Implements the showGimpImage(&fullScreenLogo) for a locally stored file exported by GIMP

void showBanner(void)

  • Implements the showGimpImage(&bannerLogo) for a locally stored file exported by GIMP