Releases: anders-biostat/lamp_plate_analysis
Report the number of positive tests
- If only some of the tests are positive, their number is reported instead of the "inconclusive" status.
- Controls and N2 primers now use different thresholds.
- Thresholds for the delta OD value are now changed from 0.1 to -0.3
- The initial value (at 0 minutes) is ignored during the automatic classifcation.
- Minor fixes.
Flourescence classification and fixes
- The automatic classification now also works in the fluorescence mode.
- Failed control and with at least one positive replica is now labelled as "inconclusive"
- The info panel now shows the marked well if any, even if the mouse is moved away.
- Various fixes.
Pooled plates
- Pooled plates can now be processed if a mapping file is present in the input directory
- The app now distinguishes absorbance and fluorescence modes.
Status update
LAMPREPEAT status is used instead of WAIT.
Updated classification
Classification is now again based on the absolute value of the deltaOD (at 25 min for N2, at 20 min for control). Samples with too high (> -0.1) baseline are marked as "repeat".
Vertical line for control is moved to 20 min.
Lines added
- In all plots with LAMP curves there are now a vertical line at 25 mins and a horizontal one at 0.1
Read barcodes from files
Assignment of barcodes to well is now read automatically from iles "rackID_barcodes.xlsx". Input file is used to locate these files and must be in the same directory as one of them (doesn't matter which one). App assumes that each of the barcodes files is located in a folder named the same way as rack.
App now checks for presence of duplicated wells on the same plate.
Instead of errorLog a postLog is created when a plate is posted to the server. It contains a list of all the posted samples, their LAMP status and server response.
When new status is assigned to the selected samples, they stay selected. Selection is cleared only after adding a comment (or after a doubleclick with Shift pressed).
Bug with not recognizing 201 status as success fixed
Comments from the "rackID_barcodes.xlsx" files are now shown in the app (and will be posted to the server).
Post results
Manually assigned results and comments can now be posted to (username and password required)
For each loaded plate there is now a message about the last performed action (export or post) and its time.
Failed -> repeat
Mixed result now changed to inconclusive, failed - to repeat. Failed status remains, but now it can only be assigned manually.
Positive controls are displayed as different shades of green, depending on their CT values.
Exported .csv file now gets a timestamp.
Manual result assignment
Results of automatic classification now can be changed manually. To do so, one should select one or multiple wells on any of the layout with Shift key pressed, and then press one of the status buttons below.
An arbitrary text comment can be added to the selected (with the Shift key) wells.
All manually assigned results and comments can be exported to a .csv file.
App now accepts outputs from Tecan run with several plates in parallel. The app expects rack-ID and time point at cells E14 and E15 respectively.
Automatic result assignment is now based on 25th minute instead of 20th.