Implementation of Message Throttling using SlidingWindow Mechanism.
Ensure g++ compiler along with support for boost and c++ standard thread library is present. Then just run the below
commands.cmake CMakeLists.txt make clean make ./ThrottleDemo
Read the code and play around with configuration passed to Application object app to tune and change the parameters to study the behaviour.Reducing eviction Time will demonstrate how many messages were evicted to terminal output [ std::cout ].
Anand Kulkarni 28/07/2018 - Look at the build script carefully. We have incorporated the support for log4cpp [ thread safe logging ], xerces-c for supporting reading config xml file for parameters.We need in total three Libraries for building the code. -lCppConfigManager -lxerces-c -llog4cpp. The cppConfgManager library has to be picked from other git repo namely the CppConfigManager [ ].